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All publications by tag «ADRIATIC»

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2018, July, 6, 11:35:00
EBRD - The EBRD Board of Directors has approved an up to €500 million loan for the construction of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), a priority project of the European Union (EU) and the Energy Community. The 878 kilometre pipeline will start at the Greek/Turkish border, cross Albania and, after passing under the Adriatic Sea, will end in southern Italy. It constitutes the final leg of the Southern Gas Corridor and will transport gas from the Caspian region to Europe.
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2016, July, 27, 18:55:00
The so-called TAP, which formally started construction in May, will run for 878 kilometers (550 miles) from Greece's border with Turkey, through Albania and to southern Italy, including a 105-kilometer (65-mile) stretch under the Adriatic Sea. First deliveries to Europe are expected in 2020.