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May 2017

May 2017
2017, May, 18, 19:10:00
India is a major contributor to the growth in global liquid fuels consumption. Total liquid fuels consumption in India grew 8% in 2016, the largest increase since 2009, to an estimated 4.35 million barrels per day (b/d).
May 2017
2017, May, 18, 19:05:00
Стороны обсудили взаимодействие на рынке нефти в рамках Декларации о кооперации по добровольной корректировке объемов добычи. Алжирская сторона поддержала совместное заявление Александра Новака и Министра промышленности и минеральных ресурсов Саудовской Аравии Халида Аль-Фалиха от 15 мая с.г. по продлению совместных добровольных действий ведущих производителей нефти на 9 месяцев – до 31 марта 2018 г.
May 2017
2017, May, 18, 19:00:00
Rosneft and Eni S.p.A. entered into a Cooperation extension agreement in the areas of upstream, refining, marketing and trading during the visit of an Italian delegation to Russia. The document was signed by Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin and Eni CEO Claudio Descalzi in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni.
May 2017
2017, May, 17, 11:40:00
Brent crude was down 20 cents, or 0.4 percent, from the last close at $51.45 per barrel at 0647 GMT. U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude was at $48.39, down 27 cents, or 0.6 percent.
May 2017
2017, May, 17, 11:35:00
Проекты нескольких интеграционных инициатив - Один пояс, один путь, Северный морской путь, ЕАЭС, АСЕАН - вместе могли бы создать каркас будущей Евразии
May 2017
2017, May, 17, 11:30:00
Looking at 2Q17, if we assume that April’s OPEC crude oil production level of 31.8 mb/d is maintained, and nothing changes elsewhere in the balance, there is an implied stock draw of 0.7 mb/d. Adopting the same scenario approach for the second half of 2017, the stock draws are likely to be even greater. Even if this turns out to be the case, stocks at the end of 2017 might not have fallen to the five-year average, suggesting that much work remains to be done in the second half of 2017 to drain them further. In addition to production cuts and steady demand growth, a major contribution to falling crude stocks in the next few months will be a ramp-up in global crude oil runs. Starting in March, refinery activity is building up and by July global crude throughputs will have increased by 2.7 mb/d.
May 2017
2017, May, 16, 12:25:00
Brent crude oil was up 30 cents at $52.12 a barrel by 0750 GMT. U.S. light crude was 25 cents higher at $49.10 a barrel. Both benchmarks have risen more than $5 a barrel since hitting five-month lows 10 days ago.
May 2017
2017, May, 16, 12:20:00
К 2035 году в соответствии с проектом Энергетической стратегии России планируется рост производства электроэнергии на основе ВИЭ более чем в 20 раз. Уже сейчас использование ВИЭ абсолютно экономически оправданно в отдаленных, изолированных районах, куда, например, дизельное топливо или мазут для электростанций завозить крайне дорого.
May 2017
2017, May, 16, 12:15:00
ЦЕНА URALS: $48,20889
Средняя цена на нефть Urals за период мониторинга с 15 апреля по 14 мая 2017 года составила $48,20889 за баррель, или $351,9 за тонну.
May 2017
2017, May, 16, 12:10:00
Cooperation will focus on grid planning, fundamental research, policy coordination, project development and information sharing, according to the deals signed between GEIDCO and the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, the African Union Commission, the League of Arab States and the grid management bureau with the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf.