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2018-02-05 07:45:00



EXXONMOBIL2018 Outlook for Energy: A View to 2040

Energy powers modern economies and living standards

By 2030, the world's economic middle class will likely expand from 3 billion to more than 5 billion people. This growth will coincide with vastly improved living standards, resulting in rising energy use in many developing countries as people develop modern businesses and gain access to cars, appliances and air-conditioned homes.

Global energy needs rise about 25 percent, led by non-OECD nations

Despite efficiency gains, global energy demand will likely increase nearly 25 percent. Nearly all growth will be in non-OECD countries (e.g. China, India), where demand will likely increase about 40 percent, or about the same amount of energy used in the Americas today.

Electricity demand nearly doubles in non-OECD nations

Human activity continues to be dependent on reliable supplies of electricity. Global electricity demand will rise by 60 percent between 2016 and 2040, led by a near doubling of demand in non-OECD countries.

Electricity from solar and wind increases about 400 percent

Among the most rapidly expanding energy supplies will be electricity from solar and wind, together growing about 400 percent. The combined share of solar and wind to global electricity supplies is likely to triple by 2040, helping the CO2 intensity of delivered electricity to fall more than 30 percent.

Natural gas expands role to meet a wide variety of needs

The abundance and versatility of natural gas make it a valuable energy source to meet a wide variety of needs while also helping the world shift to less carbon-intensive sources of energy. Natural gas use is likely to increase more than any other energy source, with about half its growth for electricity generation.

Oil plays a leading role to aid mobility and modern products

More electric cars and efficiency improvements in conventional engines will likely lead to a peak in liquid fuels use by the world's liquid light-duty vehicle fleet by 2030. However, oil will continue to play a leading role in the world's energy mix, with growing demand driven by commercial transportation and the chemical industry.

Decarbonization of the world's energy system will accelerate

As the world's economy nearly doubles by 2040, energy efficiency gains and a shift to less carbon-intensive sources of energy will contribute to a nearly 45 percent decline in the carbon intensity of global GDP. Global energy-related CO2 emissions will likely peak by 2040 at about 10 percent above the 2016 level.



2018, January, 12, 13:00:00


МИНЭНЕРГО РОССИИ - На энергетическом рынке происходят существенные трансформации, появляются новые технологии, что в итоге приводит к изменению энергобаланса. В частности, за последние 10 лет добыча газа в мире выросла на 20% -- до 580 млрд м3, его доля в энергобалансе расширилась с 21 до 22%. При этом мировая торговля газом за тот же период увеличилась на 42%, или на 313 млрд м3.


2017, December, 20, 19:40:00


IEA - Coal’s share in the global energy mix is forecast to decline from 27% in 2016 to 26% in 2022 on sluggish demand growth relative to other fuels. Growth through 2022 is concentrated in India, Southeast Asia and a few other countries in Asia. Coal demand declines in Europe, Canada, the United States and China, the largest coal consumer by far, and where we forecast a structural but slow decline with some fluctuations linked to short-term market requirements.


2017, November, 9, 14:00:00


Within the grouping of Developing countries, India and China are the two nations with the largest additional energy demand over the forecast period, both in the range of 22–23 mboe/d.


2017, November, 9, 13:50:00


EIA projects that global nuclear capacity will grow at an average annual rate of 1.6% from 2016 through 2040, led predominantly by countries outside of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). EIA expects China to continue leading world nuclear growth, followed by India. This growth is expected to offset declines in nuclear capacity in the United States, Japan, and countries in Europe.


2017, November, 1, 13:30:00


Access to modern energy is incomplete. With a total population of nearly 640 million, an estimated 65 million people remain without electricity and 250 million are reliant on solid biomass as a cooking fuel. Investment in upstream oil and gas has been hit by lower prices since 2014 and the region faces a dwindling position as a gas exporter, and a rising dependency on imported oil.


2017, September, 15, 08:55:00


The U.S. Energy Information Administration projects that world energy consumption will grow by 28% between 2015 and 2040. Most of this growth is expected to come from countries that are not in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and especially in countries where demand is driven by strong economic growth, particularly in Asia. Non-OECD Asia (which includes China and India) accounts for more than 60% of the world's total increase in energy consumption from 2015 through 2040.


2017, September, 13, 15:10:00


IMF - When we think about Asia’s economic future, we know that this future is being built on strong foundations—on the richness and diversity of its cultures, on the incredible energy and ingenuity of the people who have changed the world by transforming their own economies. China and India have been driving the greatest poverty reduction in human history by creating the world’s largest middle classes. In a single generation, Vietnam has moved from being one of the world’s poorest nations to being a middle-income country.