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All publications by tag «МОЗАМБИК»

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2023, August, 4, 06:45:00
Стороны обсудили перспективы взаимодействия в области электроэнергетики, в том числе в сфере строительства и модернизации электроэнергетических мощностей в Мозамбике.
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2019, August, 23, 10:40:00
Rosneft Oil Company and the National Petroleum Institute (Instituto Nacional de Petróleo, INP) have signed a Cooperation Agreement. The document was signed by Chief Executive Officer of Rosneft Oil Company Igor Sechin and Chairman of INP Carlos Zacarias. In addition, Rosneft has signed a Memorandum on Expansion of cooperation in Mozambique with the National Hydrocarbon Company (Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos, ENH).