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2014-07-03 18:30:00



First. Having interrupted the truce, President Petro Poroshenko made a dramatic mistake. This will lead to new victims, but now he will be personally responsible for them.

Second. It will be much more difficult to resume negotiations. Such are the laws of war.

Third. On 27 June, Ukraine signed the Association Agreement with the European Union. This is Ukraine's right. Russia has the right to switch to new terms of dealing with Ukraine to protect its market. A decision on protective measures will be made after consultations. The Russian Government is analysing the current situation. It is also drafting a plan detailing our actions under the Agreement on CIS Free Trade Area and WTO rules.

Fourth. Ukraine does not pay for gas. Its debt is enormous. It takes gas from underground storage facilities. A full-scale gas crisis will unfold by autumn.

Fifth. There is a huge flow of refugees. Tens of thousands of them. People are fleeing from the war. US propaganda claims that they "go visit their grandmother." There is no limit to cynicism.

Under the circumstances, it will be very difficult and, on some issues, impossible to develop relations with Ukraine.

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