ROSATOM - On October 20 an official ceremony was held to mark the opening of a regional center of ROSATOM in India. The event took place within the framework of the India Nuclear Energy international conference and exhibition.
"Historically, India is one of our key foreign partners. Two power units of Russian design are already operating on the Kudankulam NPP site and two more are under construction. To increase the state corporation's market presence, it was decided to open a regional center in Mumbai. This will enable us to join forces with our Indian partners and enhance the performance of Russian nuclear enterprises operating in India," said Aleksey Pimenov, the Regional President of Rosatom South Asia.
Mr. Pimenov pointed out that the creation of a network of offices all over the world is related to the expansion of Rosatom's global footprint. It is also in line with the company's long-term development strategy, which stipulates an ambitious but achievable aim of increasing the foreign order portfolio to USD 150 billion in the next five years.
The management and development of Rosatom's regional network are carried out by Private Institution of Atomic Energy Power Corporation Rusatom International Network. Besides India, the Mumbai office will also be in charge of the company's projects in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The regional center will be responsible for strengthening the current positions of Rosatom in the South Asian market and identifying new opportunities for the development of its nuclear power and non-energy businesses. Rosatom has already opened similar centers in Latin America, Western, Eastern and Central Europe, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and North America.
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