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June 2017

June 2017
2017, June, 2, 16:00:00
ЦЕНА URALS: $51,29
Средняя цена нефти марки Urals по итогам января-мая 2017 года составила $51,29 за баррель.
June 2017
2017, June, 1, 19:25:00
Говоря об уровне инвестиций в нефтяной сектор, Министр отметил: «Если говорить в долларах, то в долларах мы снизили объем инвестиций. А когда мы говорим об инвестициях в рублях, то по прошлому году общий объем составил порядка 1 триллиона 400 миллиардов рублей. Что выше, чем в предыдущие годы, примерно на 150 миллиардов рублей».
June 2017
2017, June, 1, 19:20:00
"When these factors are taken together I can only conclude that the supplies coming from marginal barrels including shale production will not be sufficient to meet the future need for incremental capacity the mid-term," Falih said. "The market balance is already pointing in that direction," he added.
June 2017
2017, June, 1, 19:15:00
Pumping crude from seabeds thousands of feet below water is turning cheaper as producers streamline operations and prioritize drilling in core wells, according to Wood Mackenzie Ltd. That means oil at $50 a barrel could sustain some of these projects by next year, down from an average break-even price of about $62 in the first quarter and $75 in 2014, the energy consultancy estimates.
June 2017
2017, June, 1, 19:10:00
The historic record of 10 million barrels per day was reached during November, 1970, when US oil prices were still below 3 USD. The record was close to being surpassed in 2015 when US production peaked in April at 9.6 million barrels. Production then dropped 1 million barrels per day over 18 months as oil prices fell from above 100 to below 40 USD.
June 2017
2017, June, 1, 19:05:00
Indonesia, which produces around 730,000 b/d of crude, relies on imports to meet domestic demand of 1.4 million b/d, with Nigeria accounting for 18% of oil imports.
June 2017
2017, June, 1, 19:00:00
Under the first agreement, Shell has completed the sale to a subsidiary of Canadian Natural Resources Limited (“Canadian Natural”) its entire 60% interest in AOSP, its 100% interest in the Peace River Complex in-situ assets, including Carmon Creek, and a number of undeveloped oil sands leases in Alberta, Canada. The consideration to Shell from Canadian Natural is approximately $8.2 billion (C$10.9 billion), comprised of $5.3 billion in cash plus around 98 million Canadian Natural shares currently valued at $2.9 billion. Shell’s share position in Canadian Natural will be managed for value realisation over time.