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July 2017

July 2017
2017, July, 17, 14:15:00
К 9.15 МСК фьючерсы на нефть сорта Brent поднялись на 0,08 процента до $48,95 за баррель. Фьючерсы на американскую нефть WTI к этому времени торговались у отметки $46,58 за баррель, на 0,09 процента выше предыдущего закрытия.
July 2017
2017, July, 17, 14:10:00
CHINA will accelerate expanding oil and gas distribution in the next decade to ensure energy security and help boost industry, its top economic and energy planners said.
July 2017
2017, July, 17, 14:05:00
The U.S. shale boom—which reshaped world markets for crude oil and natural gas before Mr. Trump took office—has only limited impact on Russia’s standing as a major energy provider to Europe and Asia.
July 2017
2017, July, 17, 14:00:00
API announced that estimated total wells drilled and completed in the second quarter of 2017 increased 62 percent compared to the second quarter of 2016. This includes a 41 percent increase in estimated development gas well completions and a dramatic 81 percent increase in total estimated oil well completions from year-ago levels. Total estimated oil well completions also increased 19 percent from the first quarter of 2017. Growing well completion figures could lead to an increase in U.S. oil production, which rose 62 percent from 2010 to 2016, and U.S. natural gas production which, also increased 26 percent during the same time.
July 2017
2017, July, 17, 13:55:00
Industrial production rose 0.4 percent in June for its fifth consecutive monthly increase. Manufacturing output moved up 0.2 percent; although factory output has gone up and down in recent months, its level in June was little different from February. The index for mining posted a gain of 1.6 percent in June, just slightly below its pace in May. The index for utilities, however, remained unchanged. For the second quarter as a whole, industrial production advanced at an annual rate of 4.7 percent, primarily as a result of strong increases for mining and utilities. Manufacturing output rose at an annual rate of 1.4 percent, a slightly slower increase than in the first quarter. At 105.2 percent of its 2012 average, total industrial production in June was 2.0 percent above its year-earlier level. Capacity utilization for the industrial sector increased 0.2 percentage point in June to 76.6 percent, a rate that is 3.3 percentage points below its long-run (1972–2016) average.
July 2017
2017, July, 17, 13:50:00
Directors underscored that accelerated structural reforms and broader trade relations can help promote a diversified export mix. They also urged the authorities to strengthen property rights, advance privatization, improve governance, and invest in innovation and infrastructure to build the foundations for higher potential growth.
July 2017
2017, July, 17, 13:45:00
The economy is weathering the post-2014 oil shock well. The key policy goal is to foster economic adjustment to the new oil market realities. To foster the adjustment, especially given downside risks, the momentum in fiscal reforms needs to be sustained and coordinated with structural reforms. To ensure credibility, fiscal adjustment should be accompanied by strengthening the medium-term policy framework and improving transparency. Ongoing initiatives to upgrade the supervisory and regulatory framework for the financial sector are welcome and need to continue. Focused, multi-pronged initiatives to raise productivity and diversify the economy would improve medium-term economic prospects. Amid ongoing economic adjustment, continued improvements in statistics are critical for enhancing policy analysis and decision-making.
July 2017
2017, July, 17, 13:40:00
Directors observed that the financial sector has remained sound despite the severe stresses. To make the system more robust, they encouraged actions to further strengthen financial safety nets through enhanced monitoring and an improved crisis management framework. Directors underscored the need for continued vigilance and close monitoring of the health of the corporate sector and its impact on the banking system.
July 2017
2017, July, 17, 13:35:00
The approval by the IMF Executive Board of the First Review of the program shows the IMF’s strong support for Egypt in these efforts.
July 2017
2017, July, 17, 13:30:00
U.S. Rig Count is up 505 rigs from last year's count of 447, with oil rigs up 408, gas rigs up 98, and miscellaneous rigs down 1 to 0. Canadian Rig Count is up 96 rigs from last year's count of 95, with oil rigs up 62, gas rigs up 35, and miscellaneous rigs down 1 to 0.