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2018-10-31 12:55:00



BPBP p.l.c. Group results Third quarter and nine months 2018

Brian Gilvary – Chief financial officer:

This quarter's underlying result was significantly higher than the second quarter in a very similar price environment. Since we announced the BHP transaction, oil prices have firmed to levels significantly above the acquisition assumptions. While oil prices remain at these levels, we expect to finance the transaction fully using cash. In this event, the $5-6 billion divestment programme linked to the transaction will be used to reduce debt. We will also continue our share buyback programme to offset dilution from the scrip dividend.





Group headlines 


For the nine months, underlying replacement cost (RC) profit* was $9,246 million, compared with $4,059 million in 2017. Underlying RC profit is after adjusting RC profit* for a net charge for non-operating items* of $1,619 million and net adverse fair value accounting effects* of $358 million (both on a post-tax basis). RC profit was $7,269 million for the nine months, compared with $3,344 million a year ago. 

For the third quarter, underlying RC profit was $3,838 million, compared with $1,865 million in 2017. Underlying RC profit is after adjusting RC profit for a net charge for non-operating items of $649 million and net adverse fair value accounting effects of $98 million (both on a post-tax basis). RC profit was $3,091 million for the third quarter, compared with $1,379 million in 2017.

BP's profit for the third quarter and nine months was $3,349 million and $8,617 million respectively, compared with $1,769 million and $3,362 million for the same periods in 2017. 

Non-operating items  

Non-operating items amounted to a post-tax charge of $649 million for the quarter and $1,619 million for the nine months. The charge for the quarter includes post-tax amounts relating to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill of $54 million for business economic loss claims and $30 million for other claims and litigation relating to the spill, as well as finance costs in respect of the unwinding of discounting effects relating to oil spill payables. 

Effective tax rate 

The effective tax rate (ETR) on RC profit or loss* for the third quarter and nine months was 38% and 41% respectively, compared with 43% for both periods in 2017. Adjusting for nonoperating items and fair value accounting effects, the underlying ETR* for the third quarter and nine months was 36% and 38% respectively, compared with 40% and 42% for the same periods in 2017. The lower underlying ETR for the third quarter reflected lower adjustments in respect of prior years and re-evaluation of deferred tax positions, partly offset by deferred tax charges due to foreign exchange impacts. The lower underlying ETR for the nine months reflected lower exploration write-offs, partly offset by deferred tax charges due to foreign exchange impacts. In the current environment we now expect the underlying ETR for 2018 to be lower than 40%. ETR on RC profit or loss and underlying ETR are non-GAAP measures.


BP today announced a quarterly dividend of 10.25 cents per ordinary share ($0.615 per ADS), which is expected to be paid on 21 December 2018. The corresponding amount in sterling will be announced on 10 December 2018.  

Share buybacks 

BP repurchased 19 million ordinary shares at a cost of $139 million, including fees and stamp duty, during the third quarter of 2018. For the nine months, BP repurchased 48 million ordinary shares at a cost of $339 million, including fees and stamp duty. 

Operating cash flow*

Excluding post-tax amounts related to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, operating cash flow* for the third quarter was $6.6 billion, including a $0.7 billion working capital* build (after adjusting for inventory holding gains*) and $19.0 billion in the nine months, including a $1.1 billion working capital build (after adjusting for inventory holding gains), compared with $6.6 billion and $17.9 billion for the same periods in 2017. Including amounts relating to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, operating cash flow for the third quarter and nine months was $6.1 billion and $16.0 billion respectively (after a $1.6 billion working capital build for the quarter and $5.5 billion for the nine months), compared with $6.0 billion and $13.0 billion for the same periods in 2017. 

Capital expenditure*  

Organic capital expenditure* for the third quarter and nine months was $3.7 billion and $10.7 billion respectively, compared with $4.0 billion and $11.9 billion for the same periods in 2017.  Inorganic capital expenditure* for the third quarter and nine months was $0.7 billion and $1.5 billion respectively, compared with $0.5 billion and $1.1 billion for the same periods in 2017. Organic capital expenditure and inorganic capital expenditure are non-GAAP measures. 

Divestment and other proceeds 

Divestment proceeds* were $0.1 billion for the third quarter and $0.4 billion for the nine months, compared with $0.2 billion and $1.0 billion for the same periods in 2017. 


Net debt* at 30 September 2018 was $39.2 billion, compared with $39.8 billion a year ago. Gearing at 30 September 2018 was 27.5%, compared with 28.4% a year ago. We expect gearing to remain within the target band of 20-30% during the fourth quarter of 2018. As described above, assuming oil prices remain firm, we expect to fund the deferred consideration related to the BHP transaction with available cash rather than issuing equity. As a result, gearing may move temporarily above the top end of the band in early 2019, but is expected to move back down towards the middle of the band by the end of 2019, in line with the generation of free cash flow and receipt of disposal proceeds.  Net debt and gearing are non-GAAP measures. 


More information is here.




BP: OIL PRICE $60 - $65
2018, October, 12, 11:25:00

BP: OIL PRICE $60 - $65

PLATTS - "If sanctions were put on Rosneft or Lukoil or Gazprom, like what happened to Rusal, you would virtually shut down the energy systems of Europe," Dudley said.

2018, August, 1, 09:05:00


BP - BP’s profit for the second quarter and half year was $2,799 million and $5,268 million respectively, compared with $144 million and $1,593 million for the same periods in 2017.


2018, July, 27, 12:25:00


BP - “This is a transformational acquisition for our Lower 48 business, a major step in delivering our Upstream strategy and a world-class addition to BP’s distinctive portfolio. Given our confidence in BP’s future – further bolstered by additional earnings and cash flow from this deal – we are increasing the dividend, reflecting our long-standing commitment to growing distributions to shareholders.”

2018, June, 15, 11:10:00


BP - In 2017 global energy demand grew by 2.2%, above its 10-year average of 1.7%. This above-trend growth was driven by stronger economic growth in the developed world and a slight slowing in the pace of improvement in energy intensity.

2018, May, 2, 13:05:00


BP - “We have delivered another strong set of results. Our safe and reliable operations and strong financial delivery have continued into 2018. Underlying profit was up 23% on the previous quarter and was our best quarterly result in three years. With rising output from our new major projects and excellent reliability, Upstream production was 9% higher than a year earlier.

2018, April, 25, 09:40:00


REUTERS - BP (BP.L) has a “very strong” partnership with Russian oil giant Rosneft (ROSN.MM) but will steer away from politics, Chief Executive Officer Bob Dudley said on Tuesday, as Moscow could face new western sanctions.

2018, February, 7, 07:30:00


BP - “2017 was one of the strongest years in BP’s recent history. We delivered operationally and financially, with very strong earnings in the Downstream, Upstream production up 12%, and our finances rebalanced. And we did all this while maintaining safe and reliable operations. “We enter the second year of our five-year plan with real momentum, increasingly confident that we can continue to deliver growth across our business, improving cash flows and returns for shareholders out to 2021 and beyond. “At the same time, we are embracing the energy transition, seeking new opportunities in a changing, lower-carbon world.”



Tags: BP