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2018-11-05 12:20:00



BLOOMBERG - Russian oil production moved closer to an all-time high before the nation meets with OPEC partners to discuss future supply.

The country's crude and condensate output averaged 11.412 million barrels a day last month, according to data from the Energy Ministry's CDU-TEK unit released Friday. That's about 160,000 barrels a day more than two years ago, before Russia agreed to cut supply with OPEC. It's a post-Soviet record, and not far off the highest-ever output.

The production boom comes amid mixed signals from global oil producers. Russia suggested last Saturday it could push output to a fresh record, just days after a committee representing the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies signaled the group could cap supply again in 2019.

Crude prices are down by more than 15 percent since hitting a four-year high last month. The market is beset by bearish forces: rising oil inventories; higher production from Russia, OPEC and the U.S.; there's also great uncertainty about the impact of American sanctions on Iran's exports and concerns over global demand.

Russia, which relies on energy for almost half its budget revenue, has repeatedly said that its plans for future output will depend on cooperation with OPEC. The cartel's production in October climbed to the highest level since 2016 as increases by Saudi Arabia and Libya offset losses from Iran, according to a Bloomberg survey.

Soviet Highs

Russian oil output peaked during the Soviet era, averaging 11.416 million barrels a day in 1987, according to BP Plc data. No monthly numbers are available, and the figures account differently for some liquids derived from natural gas. This would make it hard to pinpoint when exactly the country may set a new historic peak.

Maintaining current production levels is also not a given, especially since volumes can dip in the freezing winter months, and during summer-season maintenance.

Ministers from the so-called OPEC+ group, which brings together Russia, Saudi Arabia and other oil-producing nations, will meet in Abu Dhabi next week, ahead of a key summit scheduled for early December in Vienna.




2018, November, 2, 12:10:00

ЦЕНА URALS: $71.55

МИНФИН РОССИИ - Средняя цена нефти марки Urals по итогам января – октября 2018 года составила $ 71,55 за баррель.


2018, November, 2, 12:01:00

RUSSIA'S GROWTH 2018 - 19: 1.5%

EBRD - Economic growth in Russia is expected to hold steady at 1.5 per cent this year and into 2019 as the positive impact of higher oil prices is offset by the negative economic consequences of sanctions imposed by the United States of America and the European Union (EU), said the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).


2018, October, 29, 12:40:00


REUTERS - Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said on Saturday there was no reason for Russia to freeze or cut its oil production levels, noting that there were risks that global oil markets could be facing a deficit.


2018, October, 24, 11:35:00


TASS - Saudi Arabia is a very responsible country, for decades we used our oil policy as responsible economic tool and isolated it from politics. So lets hope that the world would deal with the political crisis, including the one with Saudi citizen in Turkey, with wisdom. And we will exercise our wisdom both in political and economic fronts.


2018, October, 10, 08:05:00


МИНФИН РОССИИ - Ожидаемый объем дополнительных нефтегазовых доходов федерального бюджета, связанный с превышением фактически сложившейся цены на нефть над базовым уровнем, прогнозируется в октябре 2018 года в размере +479,7 млрд руб.


2018, October, 10, 08:00:00


МИНФИН РОССИИ - По состоянию на 1 октября 2018 г. объем ФНБ составил 5 004 491,4 млн. рублей, что эквивалентно 76 298,9 млн. долл. США. Совокупная расчетная сумма дохода от размещения средств ФНБ на счетах в иностранной валюте в Банке России, пересчитанного в долл. США, за период с 15 декабря 2017 г. по 30 сентября 2018 г. составила 14,7 млн. долл. США, что эквивалентно 965,8 млн. рублей.


2018, October, 8, 11:20:00


МИНЭНЕРГО РОССИИ - Министр отметил, что Россия выступает за то, чтобы Иран как крупнейшая страна-экспортер энергоресурсов оставался участником рынка. "Мы не приемлем односторонних санкций, которые не соответствуют решениям ООН. Безусловно, нужно с юридической точки зрения оценивать дальнейшие возможности и механизмы взаимодействия с Ираном, чтобы наши компании не понесли ущерба», - отметил Министр.