РОССИЯ - КИТАЙ: 3 000 000
МИНЭНЕРГО РОССИИ - Министр энергетики Российской Федерации Александр Новак принял участие в торжественной церемонии по случаю захода в порт Цзянсу танкеров «Владимир Русанов» и «Эдуард Толль» с проекта «Ямал СПГ».
«Эти танкеры завершили первый в истории Северного морского пути проход без ледокольного сопровождения от порта Сабетта на восток по трассам «Ледяного шелкового пути». Сегодня мы начинаем регулярные поставки в Китай продукции завода «Ямал СПГ» по этому маршруту», - сказал Александр Новак.
Министр напомнил, что «Ямал СПГ» – это масштабный международный проект, над которым работало более 100 тысяч человек по всему миру, в том числе в Китае.
«Проект реализован в пятистах километрах за Полярным кругом, в месте, где полностью ранее отсутствовала инфраструктура. Для проекта создан флот газовозов ледового класса Arc 7. Запуск первой линии проекта состоялся в декабре прошлого года с опережением графика, выход «Ямал СПГ» на полную мощность – 17,4 млн тонн СПГ в год - намечен на конец 2019 г. К настоящему моменту с проекта уже отгружено около трёх миллионов тонн продукции», - сообщил Александр Новак.
Глава Минэнерго России добавил, что проект «Ямал СПГ» имеет большое значение для российско-китайского сотрудничества в сфере энергетики.
«Особое внимание уделяем совместной реализации перспективных проектов. На стадии проектирования находится следующий проект компании «НОВАТЭК» – «Арктик СПГ 2», запуск трех линий которого планируется в 2023-2025 годах. Уверен, что Россия станет надежным поставщиком СПГ для Китайской Народной Республики», - заключил Александр Новак.
2018, July, 12, 10:10:00
НОВАТЭК - В первом полугодии 2018 года добыча углеводородов составила 264,3млн баррелей нефтяного эквивалента (бнэ), в том числе 32,93 млрд куб. м природного газа и 5 864 тыс. тонн жидких углеводородов (газовый конденсат и нефть). По сравнению с первым полугодием 2017 года добыча углеводородов выросла на 6,3 млн бнэ или на 2,4%.
2018, July, 11, 09:20:00
BLOOMBERG - “Now we can safely say that Russia will expand through the Arctic this and next century. This is where the largest mineral reserves are located. This is the site of a future transport artery that I am sure will be very good and efficient: the Northern Sea Route.”
2018, June, 13, 13:30:00
ГАЗПРОМ - Участники встречи рассмотрели широкий спектр вопросов сотрудничества в газовой сфере. В частности, текущий статус проекта по поставкам газа по «восточному» маршруту — «Сила Сибири». Было отмечено, что его реализация осуществляется в полном соответствии с установленным графиком. В данный момент линейная часть участка газопровода от Чаяндинского месторождения до границы с Китаем построена на 84,4% (более 1820 км). Завершена проходка второго тоннеля подводного перехода трансграничного участка «Силы Сибири» через р. Амур.
2018, June, 13, 13:25:00
РОСАТОМ - Пакет документов подготовлен в соответствии с совместным заявлением глав правительств России и Китая о развитии стратегического сотрудничества в области использования атомной энергии в мирных целях, принятого 7 ноября 2016 года. Данный пакет соглашений является крупнейшим в истории российско-китайского сотрудничества в ядерной сфере. Уникальность пакета обусловлена тем, что речь идет о сотрудничестве сразу по нескольким высокотехнологическим проектам, не имеющим аналогов в мировой атомной отрасли.
2018, May, 16, 12:05:00
BLOOMBERG - Europe and China will be comparable in significance as importing regions in the coming years, Cheniere Energy Inc. said, citing data from Wood Mackenzie Ltd. That follows “absolutely phenomenal” growth in China last year, Andrew Walker, vice president for strategy at the company that pioneered the transformation of the U.S. shale boom into global exports, said in Amsterdam.
2018, April, 25, 10:10:00
REUTERS - Russia was China’s largest crude oil supplier in March, data showed on Tuesday, retaining the lead spot for a 13th consecutive month.
2017, December, 22, 22:30:00
ГАЗПРОМ - «Сегодня мы заложили основу для создания еще одного трубопроводного маршрута поставок российского газа в Китай. Проект расширит возможности для удовлетворения растущего спроса на газ на китайском рынке», — сказал Алексей Миллер.
РОССИЯ - КИТАЙ: 3 000 000
U.S. FRB - Industrial production rose 0.6 percent in June after declining 0.5 percent in May. For the second quarter as a whole, industrial production advanced at an annual rate of 6.0 percent, its third consecutive quarterly increase. Manufacturing output moved up 0.8 percent in June. The production of motor vehicles and parts rebounded last month after truck assemblies fell sharply in May because of a disruption at a parts supplier. Factory output, aside from motor vehicles and parts, increased 0.3 percent in June. The index for mining rose 1.2 percent and surpassed the level of its previous historical peak (December 2014); the output of utilities moved down 1.5 percent. At 107.7 percent of its 2012 average, total industrial production was 3.8 percent higher in June than it was a year earlier. Capacity utilization for the industrial sector increased 0.3 percentage point in June to 78.0 percent, a rate that is 1.8 percentage points below its long-run (1972–2017) average.
Market Groups
The rebound in the output of motor vehicles and parts contributed to gains of about 1/2 percent for consumer goods and for materials and to a jump of about 2 percent for business equipment.
Excluding automotive products, the index for consumer goods was little changed; the output of other durable consumer goods, on net, edged up, and the indexes for non-energy nondurable consumer goods and for consumer energy products both edged down. The advances in business equipment and in materials reflected gains in nearly all of their other major components in addition to the indexes related to motor vehicles.
The results were mixed for major market groups that are not directly affected by swings in the production of motor vehicles and parts. The index for construction supplies declined, the index for business supplies was little changed, and the index for defense and space equipment moved up.
Industry Groups
Manufacturing output moved up 0.8 percent in June and increased at an annual rate of 1.9 percent in the second quarter, about the same pace as in the first quarter. In June, the index for durables advanced 1.6 percent, while the production of nondurables was little changed. The output of other manufacturing (publishing and logging) declined 0.7 percent. Within durables, the rebound of about 8 percent for motor vehicles and parts was accompanied by increases of 1 percent or more for wood products, for computer and electronic products, and for aerospace and miscellaneous transportation equipment. Within nondurable manufacturing, a large drop for apparel and leather and smaller declines for plastics and rubber products and for food, beverage, and tobacco products were offset by gains elsewhere.
Mining output rose more than 1 percent in June for its fifth consecutive monthly increase; the index jumped more than 19 percent at an annual rate in the second quarter. Gains in the oil and gas sector continued to support the expansion of the mining sector so far this year. In June, the index for utilities decreased 1 1/2 percent, as a loss for electric utilities outweighed a gain for gas utilities.
Capacity utilization for manufacturing rose 0.5 percentage point to 75.5 percent in June, a rate that is 2.8 percentage points below its long-run average. The operating rate for durables increased about 1 percentage point, and the rate for nondurables was unchanged. The utilization rate for mining rose to 92.7 percent, which is about 6 percentage points higher than its long-run average and about 1 percentage point above its peak in 2014. The rate for utilities moved down 1.3 percentage points and remained well below its long-run average.
2018, July, 12, 10:30:00
U.S. BEA - Expenditures by foreign direct investors to acquire, establish, or expand U.S. businesses totaled $259.6 billion (preliminary) in 2017. Expenditures were down 32 percent from $379.7 billion (revised) in 2016 and were below the annual average of $359.9 billion for 2014-2016. As in previous years, acquisitions of existing businesses accounted for a large majority of total expenditures.
2018, July, 9, 15:10:00
U.S. BEA - The U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis announced today that the goods and services deficit was $43.1 billion in May, down $3.0 billion from $46.1 billion in April,
2018, July, 9, 14:55:00
U.S. BLS - Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 213,000 in June, and the unemployment rate rose to 4.0 percent,
2018, July, 4, 12:10:00
IMF - The near-term outlook for the U.S. economy is one of strong growth and job creation. Unemployment is near levels not seen in 50 years, and growth is set to accelerate, aided by a fiscal stimulus, a recovery of private investment, and supportive financial conditions. These positive outturns have supported, and been reinforced by, a favorable external environment. The balance of evidence suggests that the U.S. economy is beyond full employment.
2018, June, 18, 14:00:00
IMF - Within the next few years, the U.S. economy is expected to enter its longest expansion in recorded history. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and the approved increase in spending are providing a significant boost to the economy. We forecast growth of close to 3 percent this year but falling from that level over the medium-term. In my discussions with Secretary Mnuchin he was clear that he regards our medium-term outlook as too pessimistic. Frankly, I hope he is right. That would be good for both the U.S. and the world economy.
2018, June, 18, 13:55:00
IMF - The near-term outlook for the U.S. economy is one of strong growth and job creation. Unemployment is already near levels not seen since the late 1960s and growth is set to accelerate, aided by a near-term fiscal stimulus, a welcome recovery of private investment, and supportive financial conditions. These positive outturns have supported, and been reinforced by, a favorable external environment with a broad-based pick up in global activity. Next year, the U.S. economy is expected to mark the longest expansion in its recorded history. The balance of evidence suggests that the U.S. economy is beyond full employment.
2018, June, 18, 13:50:00
U.S. FRB - Industrial production edged down 0.1 percent in May after rising 0.9 percent in April. Manufacturing production fell 0.7 percent in May, largely because truck assemblies were disrupted by a major fire at a parts supplier. Excluding motor vehicles and parts, factory output moved down 0.2 percent. The index for mining rose 1.8 percent, its fourth consecutive month of growth; the output of utilities moved up 1.1 percent. At 107.3 percent of its 2012 average, total industrial production was 3.5 percent higher in May than it was a year earlier. Capacity utilization for the industrial sector decreased 0.2 percentage point in May to 77.9 percent, a rate that is 1.9 percentage points below its long-run (1972–2017) average.