ROSNEFT - following the approval of the Rosneft open market share buyback program (the «Program») by the Board of Directors, Rosneft appointed UBS as an independent agent to conduct the open market share buyback on behalf of the Company.
The Program approved by the Board is aimed to deliver superior shareholder returns in case of substantial market volatility.
Appointing one of the leading global financial institutions as an agent will ensure high transparency standards of the Program and its strict compliance with the terms approved by the Board of Directors and applicable laws and regulations.
About UBS:
UBS is a global financial services firm headquartered in Zurich and Basel, Switzerland.
UBS is a market leader in stock trading, having been ranked #1 in Pan-European equity trading and execution over the past several years according to Extel.
2018, September, 3, 15:30:00
RUSSIA'S OIL PRODUCTION: 11.2 MBDREUTERS -Russian oil output stood at 11.21 million barrels per day (bpd) in August, virtually unchanged from July and steady near a post-Soviet high as production curbs were eased, Energy Ministry data showed on Sunday.
2018, September, 3, 15:25:00
ЦЕНА URALS: $ 69,73МИНФИН РОССИИ - Средняя цена нефти марки Urals по итогам января – августа 2018 года составила $ 69,73 за баррель. В 2017 году средняя цена на Urals в январе – августе составила $ 50,09 за баррель. Средняя цена на нефть марки Urals в августе 2018 года сложилась в размере $ 71,72 за баррель, что в 1,4 раза выше, чем в августе 2017 года ($51,02 за баррель). |
2018, September, 3, 15:05:00
UNIMPORTANT RUSSIA SANCTIONSFT - Higher energy prices and a weakened rouble saw second-quarter profits soar at three of Russia’s largest oil and gas groups, underlining a strong earnings season for the country’s energy industry that has weathered international sanctions to reap strong earnings. |
2018, August, 29, 10:50:00
РОССИЯ - ГЛОБАЛЬНЫЙ ЭНЕРГЕТИЧЕСКИЙ ЛИДЕРМИНЭНЕРГО РОССИИ - Президент добавил, что по итогам 2017 года Россия подтвердила свой статус одного из лидеров глобального энергетического рынка: «Мы заняли первое место в мире по объему добычи нефти, второе – по добыче газа. Россия входит в число ведущих стран по объему выработки электроэнергии и добыче угля: по электроэнергии – на четвертом месте, по углю – шестое место в мире». По словам Владимира Путина, в прошлом году сумма инвестиций в отрасли выросла на 10 процентов и составила 3,5 триллиона рублей.
2018, August, 8, 11:45:00
ROSNEFT UP BY 2.8 TIMESROSNEFT - 2Q 2018 net income attributable to Rosneft shareholders jumped by 2.8 times QoQ and reached RUB 228 bln (USD 3.6 bln) on the back of operating income growth, FX impact and one-off gain from recognizing net income from the share acquisition in upstream JV with a foreign partner and recognition of fair value of previously held interest in JV. |
2018, August, 8, 11:40:00
ROSNEFT BUYS $2 BLNROSNEFT - In line with strategic initiatives announced by Rosneft on April 25, 2018, the Board of Directors of Rosneft Oil Company approved the terms and launch of the open market share buyback program, which would also cover the holders of depositary receipts, in the amount of up to US$2bn (the "Program"). |
2018, July, 25, 10:10:00
ROSNEFT: OIL PRICE $75PLATTS - "Our own budget is based on a price of $63/b. Today we see that prices are around $75/b, I think that prices will be at around this level -- $75, or a maximum of $80/b," Sechin said when asked about his expectations for price levels by the end of 2018. |