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2019-11-18 12:45:00



ENERGYCENTRALAES Streamlines Asset Management with Drones, SAP, and Measure Ground Control

This white paper discusses how, through Measure's custom solutions including an integration with SAP Enterprise Asset Management, AES has shortened the turnaround time for wind turbine inspection analysis from 2 to 3 weeks to 2 to 3 days. With data collected by drones, analyzed through a streamlined workflow, and results sent automatically to SAP, AES can address major damage faster and improve overall asset performance.

AES is a Fortune 500 global power company that provides affordable, sustainable energy across 14 countries. Efficient processes are key to business success. Measure solved pain points that plagued their inspection data workflow, including tools for better aerial data collection, automated data sorting, and visual data analysis. They eliminated manual processes such as manual entry of inspection results into SAP.

You an also watch a video of the data workflow here.

"We have someone who's looking at notifications all day, for assets across the globe. The sooner we can get defect information into his hands, the better we are equipped to limit the loss associated with that defect," says Andrew Brody, Performance Engineer at AES's 158-turbine wind farm in Palm Springs.

"With this integration, we have not only streamlined the operation and cut down on the time from inspection to repair, but we've gained control over the entire process."

Case Study


This thought leadership article was originally shared with Energy Central's Generation Professionals Group. The communities are a place where professionals in the power industry can share, learn and connect in a collaborative environment. Join the Generation Professionals Community today and learn from others who work in the industry.
