WNN - The European Union (EU) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have agreed at their seventh annual meeting of senior officials to further enhance cooperation and strengthen cooperation in training, research and development.
The meeting, held earlier this week in Luxembourg, saw the organisations review their progress in a range of nuclear activities, particularly in cooperation on nuclear safety, security and safeguards. The role of nuclear energy in addressing climate change was also a topic of discussion, as were developments related to small modular reactors, in particular regulatory aspects.
The EU said it would continue to support the IAEA's peer review services to support continuous safety improvements. It also reiterated its support for the IAEA's role in verifying and monitoring the implementation of Iran's nuclear-related commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.
IAEA Assistant Director General and Chief Coordinator Cornel Feruta said the meeting had taken stock of important developments in areas of common interest and steered the direction of cooperation for the year ahead. "The EU is one of our most relevant partners and its support for the IAEA's mandate and work is valued," Feruta said.
Gerassimos Thomas, deputy director general in the Directorate-General for Energy of the European Commission, said nuclear safety and security remained a "major priority" in the EU. "In 2018, the EU completed its first ever topical peer review on ageing management of nuclear power plants and research reactors under the amended Nuclear Safety Directive," he said.
Officials commended "long-standing and fruitful cooperation" in both nuclear safety and regulatory areas. Joint efforts to address environmental remediation in Central Asia will continue following the successful donors' conference in 2018, they said.
The next Senior Officials Meeting is expected to take place in Vienna in early 2020.
2019, February, 13, 11:50:00
IMPORTANT EUROPE'S NUCLEARWNN - Nuclear energy can help the European Union achieve a sustainable and low-carbon future while providing people with reliable and affordable electricity, Foratom - the European nuclear trade body - says in a new position paper. |
2019, January, 30, 10:45:00
НОВОЕ РУССКОЕ ЯДЕРНОЕ ТОПЛИВОРОСАТОМ - Первые экспериментальные тепловыделяющие сборки (ТВС) российского производства на базе толерантного ядерного топлива загружены в водяные петли исследовательского реактора МИР в ГНЦ НИИАР (г. Димитровград, Ульяновская обл.) для проведения испытаний. |
2018, December, 14, 09:15:00
РУССКИЕ ИНВЕСТИЦИИ ДЛЯ ЕВРОПЫМИНЭКОНОМРАЗВИТИЯ РОССИИ - Максим Орешкин подчеркнул, что рост торговли между РФ и ЕС в последние два года и инвестиционного сотрудничества указывает на ренессанс отношений, несмотря на санкционную тематику. "Если мы посмотрим на инвестиционную динамику, то увидим, что сейчас, например, российскими компаниями на территории Европы реализуется целая подборка крупнейших инвестиционных проектов. Это и Северный поток-2, и строительство атомных электростанций в Венгрии, в Финляндии", - сообщил он. |
2018, December, 12, 08:35:00
FRENCH NUCLEAR UP BY 8%REUTERS - Electricity production from French nuclear reactors rose 8 percent in November compared with the same month a year-ago due to a low volume of outages, state-controlled utility EDF said on Monday. |
2018, December, 7, 08:15:00
AVAILABLE ENERGY FOR DEVELOPMENTWNN - "Some countries choose to pursue nuclear power with a view that it can play an important role in the global sustainable energy mix,” the Outcome Document states, noting that nuclear power is the second largest source of low-carbon electricity, after hydropower. It adds that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's 1.5-degree pathway report estimates that nuclear power generation will need to grow 2.5 times by 2050 if objectives are to be met. |
2018, November, 30, 11:45:00
АТОМНАЯ БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ РОССИИРОСАТОМ - Команда экспертов Международного агентства по атомной энергии (МАГАТЭ) подтвердила приверженность АО «Концерн Росэнергоатом» (входит в Электроэнергетический дивизион Росатома) принципам безопасности. Эксперты также выявили несколько хороших практик концерна, которые могут принести пользу всему мировому ядерному сообществу. |
2018, November, 19, 11:10:00
GREEN NUCLEAR ENERGYWNN - "nuclear energy is a "mature, low greenhouse gas emission source of baseload generation that could make an increasing contribution to global development based on low-carbon energy supply". |