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2020-01-20 12:00:00



ENERGYCENTRALWhat will it take for the electricity sector worldwide to rapidly transition to zero carbon primary energy sources?

Academics and concerned citizens often ask "how long" will it take for the global economy to transition to zero carbon energy systems in the transportation, electric generation and heavy industry sectors. Many people also think politicians can and must "take action" on climate change, implying (mistakenly) they have direct control over these energy sectors, and sufficient practical knowledge to quickly and effectively re-engineer key components of those sectors.

Few have asked the people who actually own or run electric utilities "what it will take" for all electricity utilities worldwide to rapidly switch to solar, wind, geothermal, tidal or nuclear primary energy sources to power electric generation. It would of course require unprecedented inter jurisdictional cooperation and technical transfer – and of course investment. It would require thinking outside the proverbial box, such as fast tracking the development and deployment of small modular nuclear reactors to replace coal or gas-fired thermal units while maintaining the steam turbine and other components of a generation plant.

So, what will it take? Many of you have thought about it, no doubt.


This is a question posed to the Energy Central Clean Power Professionals Group.  If you would like to engage in the conversation and help this community member with his question, please follow this link.
