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All publications by tag «NUCLEAR»

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2018, July, 4, 11:55:00
IAEA - "Austria has demonstrated its commitment to nuclear and radiation safety by inviting, for the first time, an international peer review for its regulatory oversight of radiological and nuclear facilities and activities," said team leader Mika Markkanen, Principal Adviser, Regulation Practices Regulation at the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK).
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2018, July, 4, 11:50:00
IAEA - H.E. Ambassador Hamad Alkaabi, UAE’s Permanent Representative at the IAEA, said: “The UAE is rapidly moving forward with the development of its peaceful nuclear energy sector. The successful conclusion of the Phase 3 INIR mission is a testament to the UAE’s commitment to upholding the highest international standards of safety, security, and transparency as we approach the commissioning of the nation’s first nuclear energy plant."
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2018, June, 29, 10:30:00
WNN - For the foreseeable future, most new nuclear power technologies will still run, wholly or partially, on uranium, so it is important that this vital resource is mined, produced and managed sustainably, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Yukiya Amano said this week. It is also essential to take full account of environmental concerns, "both to ensure public acceptance today and to avoid troubling legacy issues in the future", he added.
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2018, June, 29, 10:25:00
WNN - A group of 75 senior US figures, including former statesmen, military, industrial and academic leaders, have written to Energy Secretary Rick Perry imploring him to take immediate action to prevent the closure of reactors, citing the contribution of nuclear power to national security. Meanwhile, the US Senate has passed a 2019 appropriations bill providing USD1.2 billion for nuclear energy programmes and supporting nuclear innovation.
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2018, June, 29, 10:20:00
WNN - GE and EDF have signed a strategic cooperation agreement for the planned construction of six EPR reactors at the Jaitapur site in Maharashtra, India. The document was announced by Xavier Ursat, senior executive vice president of EDF in charge of new nuclear projects and engineering, and Andreas Lusch, president and CEO of GE's Steam Power business.
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2018, June, 29, 10:15:00
ROSATOM - ROSATOM and the French EDF Group signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Development of Innovative Cooperation at the World Nuclear Exhibition 2018 (WNE). The document was signed by Alexey Likhachev, General Director of ROSATOM and Jean-Bernard L?vy, Chairman and CEO of EDF Group.
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2018, June, 29, 10:10:00
ROSATOM - June 22, 2018 in Moscow ROSATOM and the Ministry of Infrastructure of the Republic of Rwanda signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of peaceful uses of atomic energy.
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2018, June, 22, 13:00:00
WNN - There are 126 operational power reactors in 14 EU Member States, providing more than one-quarter of the bloc's total electricity production. In its Communication on the Nuclear Illustrative Program (PINC) published last year, the European Commission expects nuclear to maintain its significant role in Europe's energy mix up to 2050. This would require investment of some EUR40-50 billion (USD46-58 billion) in nuclear LTO by 2050.
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2018, June, 20, 12:05:00
WNN - Framatome's accident-tolerant fuel (ATF) is now being tested in the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) at Idaho National Laboratory, the US Department of Energy (DOE) has announced. The fuel is being developed through a US Department of Energy programme which aims to commercialise ATF by 2025.
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2018, June, 13, 13:25:00
ROSATOM - Russian and Chinese nuclear executives have signed the biggest package of contracts in the history of the two countries’ nuclear partnership. The package consists of 4 deals and envisages the construction of 4 Gen 3+ VVER-1200 units (at the Xudabao and Tianwan sites), cooperation in the CFR-600 fast reactor pilot project, and supply of the RITEG (Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator) parts for China’s lunar exploration programme. The signing ceremony was attended by Russian president Vladimir Putin and People’s Republic of China president Xi Jinping.