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All publications by tag «ЦЕНА»

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2014, December, 14, 15:45:00
OIL PRICE 2015-16-17: $80/BBL
Мы ожидаем, что цены на нефть будут находиться на уровне в среднем 80 долл. за баррель в следующие три года. Такое значение средней цены следует из консенсус-прогноза ведущих аналитиков.
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2014, December, 14, 15:40:00
OIL PRICE 2015: $68/BBL
North Sea Brent crude oil spot prices fell by more than 15% in November, declining from $85/barrel (bbl) on November 3 to $72/bbl on November 28. Monthly average Brent crude oil prices have declined 29% from their 2014 high of $112/bbl in June to an average of $79/bbl in November, the lowest monthly average since September 2010. The November price decline reflects continued growth in U.S. tight oil production along with weakening outlooks for the global economy and oil demand growth. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries' (OPEC) decision in late November to maintain its current crude oil production target, despite lower oil prices, put additional downward pressure on price expectations.
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2014, October, 27, 20:35:00
Sechin: Rosneft plans in Italy Pirelli and Saras, no hegemony of management
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2014, October, 27, 19:20:00
2015: $70/BBL
Иранские эксперты прогнозируют цену на нефть в 2015 году в $70