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2017, March, 31, 19:05:00
Brent crude futures LCOc1, the international benchmark for oil, were at $52.70 per barrel at 0513 GMT, down 26 cents from their last close. In the United States, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures CLc1 were down 18 cents at $50.17 a barrel.
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2017, March, 31, 19:00:00
"This is a big event," Putin said. "If we keep moving at this pace, which I must say is rather impressive even to me...then Russia not only can but will become the largest LNG producer in the world."
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2017, March, 31, 18:55:00
Natural gas futures for April delivery traded down by about 1% in advance of the EIA's report, at around $3.20 per million BTUs, and traded at $3.19 shortly after the data release. Natural gas closed at $3.23 per million BTUs on Wednesday, the highest closing price in the past week. The 52-week range for natural gas is $2.56 to $3.65. One year ago the price for a million BTUs was around $2.63.
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2017, March, 31, 18:50:00
The project has significant public importance, as it will give an impetus to economic and social development in the Russian Arctic. The Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area is home to some of Gazprom’s key fields, which are expected to provide the bulk of Russia’s natural gas in the long term. To ensure efficient field development, the transport infrastructure should be expanded accordingly.
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2017, March, 31, 18:45:00
Russian state gas exporter Gazprom, which supplies around a third of the EU's gas, with much coming via Ukraine, is keen for Nord Stream 2 to be built by 2019, when it must renegotiate gas transit fees with Kiev.
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2017, March, 31, 18:40:00
The Joint statement made by President Hassan Rouhan and Russian leader Vladimir Putin after their meeting in the Kremlin on Tuesday underscores the two countries' strategic partnership.
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2017, March, 31, 18:35:00
With oil receipts dominating fiscal revenue and exports, the Nigerian economy has been hit hard by low oil prices and falling oil production. The country entered into a recession in 2016, with growth contracting by 1.5 percent. Annual inflation levels doubled to 18.6 percent, reflecting hikes in electricity and fuel tariffs, a weaker naira and accommodating monetary conditions (broad money expanding at 19 percent y-o-y). Even with a significant under-execution in capital spending, the consolidated fiscal deficit increased from 3.5 percent of GDP in 2015 to 4.7 percent of GDP in 2016, because of significant revenue shortfalls.
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2017, March, 31, 18:30:00
“We are witnessing an energy transformation taking hold around the world, and this is reflected in another year of record breaking additions in new renewable energy capacity,” said IRENA Director-General Adnan Z. Amin. “This growth in deployment emphasizes the increasingly strong business case for renewables which also have multiple socio-economic benefits in terms of fueling economic growth, creating jobs and improving human welfare and the environment. But accelerating this momentum will require additional investment in order to move decisively towards decarbonising the energy sector and meet climate objectives. This new data is an encouraging sign that though there is much yet to do, we are on the right path,” Mr. Amin added.
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2017, March, 31, 18:25:00
In the fourth quarter of 2016, profit attributable to our shareholders was 46.6 bln RUB, down 15.0% quarter-on-quarter. For the full year 2016, profit decreased by 29.0% and amounted to 206.8 bln RUB.
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2017, March, 30, 18:55:00
"Мы открыты для широкого партнерства с другими государствами для реализации крупномасштабных взаимовыгодных проектов - от освоения природных ресурсов и развития глобальных транспортных коридоров до науки и экологии" - сказал вчера В.Путин на совещании по вопросам развития Арктики.