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All publications by tag «ЦЕНА»

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2016, January, 31, 12:25:00
«У нас есть задача сохранения традиционных рынков в Европе. При этом увеличением поставок на Восток тоже надо заниматься, это правильный вектор, и мы, безусловно, будем его поддерживать»,
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2016, January, 28, 18:30:00
Участники совещания обсудили возможность координации действий со странами ОПЕК в связи с неблагоприятной ценовой конъюнктурой на мировом нефтяном рынке.
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2015, December, 22, 20:00:00
Сейчас очень много неопределенности по цене. Поэтому нет смысла оперативно реагировать на текущую конъюнктуру, надо понимать, насколько долго эта цена будет держаться. Я считаю, что средние по году $50 за баррель - это цена, которая может отражать баланс спроса и предложения. Она может быть чуть ниже и чуть выше, условно говоря, колебания могут быть между $40-50 и между $50-60.
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2015, December, 15, 19:55:00
Международное рейтинговое агентство Moody's ухудшило свой прогноз по цене нефти марки Brent в 2016 году до 43 долларов за баррель с ожидавшихся ранее 53 долларов за баррель в связи с тем, что высокий уровень добычи нефти значительно превысил рост ее потребления.
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2015, November, 25, 19:50:00
“Despite of challenging economic environment, the Company keeps improving its efficiency. This is demonstrated by keeping operating costs in rouble terms at sustainable level in conditions of 12.0% increase in industry prices. Preserving the cost base and efficient risk management contributed to an increase in profits for 9M 2015 compared to 9M 2014 despite oil price drop. The Company achieved a structural improvement in the credit profile, while the debt burden was reduced to the target level.”
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2015, November, 11, 20:00:00
OIL PRICES 2020: $80
The process of adjustment in the oil market is rarely a smooth one, but, in central scenario, the market rebalances at $80/bbl in 2020, with further increases in price thereafter.
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2015, September, 8, 18:17:00
Due to actual investments in production the volumes are still being added to the market, but the current cuts are starting to have an affect. In the next years the ongoing programs of investment shrinking - primarily from the transnational corporations - will certainly have their effect. As for now, the implementation of their long-term investment programs that started even before the current crisis has expressed in some production growth. But in 2014, the oil majors claimed to reduce the investment in production; in 2015, additional reductions by 10-20% and more were announced by such majors as BP, Shell, Chevron, Total. Overall cutback in global upstream investment was about $140 bln, and it is expected to reach $200-250 bln by 2016 year-end. Within 2-3 years, this will inevitably influence on the production and will have a long-term negative effect.
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2014, December, 14, 15:45:00
OIL PRICE 2015-16-17: $80/BBL
Мы ожидаем, что цены на нефть будут находиться на уровне в среднем 80 долл. за баррель в следующие три года. Такое значение средней цены следует из консенсус-прогноза ведущих аналитиков.
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2014, December, 14, 15:40:00
OIL PRICE 2015: $68/BBL
North Sea Brent crude oil spot prices fell by more than 15% in November, declining from $85/barrel (bbl) on November 3 to $72/bbl on November 28. Monthly average Brent crude oil prices have declined 29% from their 2014 high of $112/bbl in June to an average of $79/bbl in November, the lowest monthly average since September 2010. The November price decline reflects continued growth in U.S. tight oil production along with weakening outlooks for the global economy and oil demand growth. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries' (OPEC) decision in late November to maintain its current crude oil production target, despite lower oil prices, put additional downward pressure on price expectations.
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2014, October, 27, 20:35:00
Sechin: Rosneft plans in Italy Pirelli and Saras, no hegemony of management