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2019, February, 11, 10:15:00
IMF - the global economy will grow by 3.5 percent this year, 0.2 percentage points below what we expected in October. And risks are up, given escalating trade tensions and tightening financial conditions.
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2019, February, 11, 10:10:00
ЦБ РФ - Совет директоров Банка России 8 февраля 2019 года принял решение сохранить ключевую ставку на уровне 7,75% годовых. Годовая инфляция в январе 2019 года соответствовала нижней границе ожиданий Банка России. Инфляционные ожидания населения и предприятий несколько выросли. Вклад повышения НДС в годовые темпы роста потребительских цен в январе был умеренным. С учетом принятого решения Банк России прогнозирует годовую инфляцию в интервале 5,0–5,5% по итогам 2019 года с возвращением к 4% в первой половине 2020 года.
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2019, February, 11, 10:05:00
WBG - The report argues that reforms in three areas, in particular, are needed to reignite productivity growth: 1) creating supportive conditions for private sector development by adjusting the role of the state; 2) addressing corporate debt overhang by strengthening the legal framework, strengthening the financial system, and shoring-up the fiscal position of the government; and 3) strengthening Ukraine’s markets by lifting the moratorium on agriculture land sales and increasing incentives to accumulate savings and human capital.
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2019, February, 11, 10:00:00
U.S. RIGS UP 4 TO 1,049
BHGE - U.S. Rig Count is up 4 rigs from last week to 1,049 rigs, with oil rigs up 7 to 854 and gas rigs down 3 to 195. Canada Rig Count is down 3 rigs from last week to 240, with oil rigs down 1 to 158 and gas rigs down 2 to 82.
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2019, February, 8, 12:15:00
REUTERS - U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures stood at $52.17 per barrel by 0755 GMT, down 47 cents, or 0.9 percent, from their last settlement. International Brent crude oil futures were down by 48 cents, or 0.8 percent, at $61.15 per barrel.
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2019, February, 8, 12:10:00
PLATTS - OPEC pumped the fewest barrels since March 2015 in January, with crude output plunging to 30.86 million b/d, a fall of 970,000 b/d from December as new supply quotas went into force, according to an S&P Global Platts survey of industry officials, analysts and shipping data.
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2019, February, 8, 12:05:00
МИНЭНЕРГО РОССИИ - Александр Новак подчеркнул, что между странами ведется планомерная работа по укреплению нормативно-правовой базы двустороннего сотрудничества и расширению направлений взаимодействия. В ходе беседы также обсуждались крупнейшие энергетические проекты двух стран, в частности, газопровод “Турецкий поток” и АЭС “Аккую”, межрегиональное сотрудничество, кооперация в области сельского хозяйства. Особое внимание было уделено вопросам сотрудничества в сфере культуры и туризма в контексте планируемых в 2019 г. мероприятий по случаю организации Года культуры и туризма Россия-Турция.
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2019, February, 8, 12:00:00
REUTERS - Germany will not become dependent on Russia for gas due to Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline, Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday, stressing that it was crucial to ensure Ukraine remained a transit country for gas.
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2019, February, 8, 11:55:00
GAZPROM - The document, which serves as a follow-up to the Memorandum inked by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Energy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in September 2018, provides for a joint feasibility study regarding gas supplies from the Middle East to South Asian countries.
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2019, February, 8, 11:45:00
EIA - Total estimated consumption by the power, industrial, and residential/commercial sectors and total estimated natural gas exports—by pipeline and as feedstock to liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities—reached 145.9 billion cubic feet (Bcf) on January 30, compared with the previous record of 143.9 Bcf set in 2018.