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All publications by tag «NUCLEAR»

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2017, June, 20, 20:15:00
On 19 June 2017, ATOMEXPO-2017 IX International Forum in Moscow saw a contract signed between TVEL Rosatom Fuel Company and the Atomic Energy Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran on delivering a reserve batch of Russian nuclear fuel of Advanced Fuel Assemblies (AFA) type for the first unit of the Bushehr NPP in 2017.
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2016, October, 21, 08:20:00
ROSATOM - "Historically, India is one of our key foreign partners. Two power units of Russian design are already operating on the Kudankulam NPP site and two more are under construction. To increase the state corporation's market presence, it was decided to open a regional center in Mumbai. This will enable us to join forces with our Indian partners and enhance the performance of Russian nuclear enterprises operating in India," said Aleksey Pimenov, the Regional President of Rosatom South Asia.