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All publications by tag «usa»

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2018, March, 11, 11:30:00
REUTERS - “The stability in oil prices is a net positive. If energy companies can demonstrate to investors that they can generate cash flow in the current oil price environment, they can go public,” said Grant Kernaghan, Citigroup’s managing director of Canadian investment banking. “The recent volatility hasn’t resulted in markets shutting down,” he added, suggesting equity markets were still open despite a 10-session period up to Feb. 8 when the S&P 500 dropped over 10 percent.
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2018, March, 11, 11:25:00
WNN - Nuclear Energy Institute president and CEO Maria Korsnick said the bill's passage in the Senate was a "welcome and timely reminder" of the bipartisan support for innovative technologies in the US Congress. "Its provisions, once enacted into law, will go a long way to ensure the United States remains at the forefront of civilian nuclear capability," she said.
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2018, March, 11, 11:20:00
U.S. BLS - Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 313,000 in February, and the unemployment rate was unchanged at 4.1 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment rose in construction, retail trade, professional and business services, manufacturing, financial activities, and mining.
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2018, March, 11, 11:15:00
PLATTS - New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Friday announced that 26 large-scale renewable energy projects were selected to help the state meet its clean energy goals, and he pushed back against the Trump administration's offshore oil and gas drilling plans.
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2018, March, 11, 11:00:00
U.S. RIGS UP 3 TO 984
BAKER HUGHES A GE - U.S. Rig Count is up 3 rigs from last week to 984, with oil rigs down 4 to 796, gas rigs up 7 to 188. Canada Rig Count is down 29 rigs from last week to 273, with oil rigs down 15 to 196 and gas rigs down 14 to 77.
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2018, March, 9, 13:35:00
U.S. OIL EXPORTS - 2017: 1.1 MBD
EIA - Exports grew to 1.1 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2017, or 527,000 b/d (89%) more than exports in 2016, in the second full year of unrestricted U.S. crude oil exports. This is the largest single year-over-year increase of a petroleum (crude oil and petroleum products) export since 1920.
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2018, March, 9, 13:05:00
BEA - The U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis announced today that the goods and services deficit was $56.6 billion in January, up $2.7 billion from $53.9 billion in December, revised.
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2018, March, 4, 11:15:00
EIA - EIA expects a 40% increase in natural gas consumed in the U.S. industrial sector, from 9.8 quadrillion British thermal units (Btu) in 2017 to 13.7 quadrillion Btu in 2050.
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2018, March, 4, 10:35:00
U.S. GDP UP 2.5%
BEA - Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 2.5 percent in the fourth quarter of 2017, according to the "second" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the third quarter, real GDP increased 3.2 percent.
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2018, March, 4, 10:30:00
U.S. RIGS UP 3 TO 981
BAKER HUGHES A GE - U.S. Rig Count is up 3 rigs from last week to 981, with oil rigs up 1 to 800, gas rigs up 2 to 181, and miscellaneous rigs unchanged. Canada Rig Count is down 4 rigs from last week to 302, with oil rigs up 2 to 211 and gas rigs down 6 to 91.