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All publications by tag «usa»

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2017, June, 8, 17:50:00
U.S. crude production will average more than 10 million barrels a day for the first time in 2018, breaking a record almost five decades old and keeping prices from rising as much as previously estimated, government forecasts showed Tuesday.
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2017, June, 5, 14:40:00
“While the overall trade deficit continues to grow, it is too soon for the numbers to reflect the recent deal with China and other actions of this Administration is taking to level the balance of trade,” said Secretary Ross. “We look forward to the July 16 deadline which will open up the Chinese market to American beef, liquefied natural gas and other products.”
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2017, June, 5, 14:35:00
The U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, through the Department of Commerce, announced today that the goods and services deficit was $47.6 billion in April, up $2.3 billion from $45.3 billion in March, revised. April exports were $191.0 billion, $0.5 billion less than March exports. April imports were $238.6 billion, $1.9 billion more than March imports.
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2017, June, 5, 14:30:00
U.S. RIGS UP 8 TO 916
U.S. Rig Count is up 508 rigs from last year's count of 408, with oil rigs up 408, gas rigs up 100, and miscellaneous rigs unchanged. Canadian Rig Count is up 58 rigs from last year's count of 41, with oil rigs up 38 and gas rigs up 20.
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2017, June, 2, 16:10:00
US crude oil inventories fell for an eighth straight week and drawdowns appear to be expanding.
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2017, June, 1, 19:10:00
The historic record of 10 million barrels per day was reached during November, 1970, when US oil prices were still below 3 USD. The record was close to being surpassed in 2015 when US production peaked in April at 9.6 million barrels. Production then dropped 1 million barrels per day over 18 months as oil prices fell from above 100 to below 40 USD.
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2017, May, 29, 13:25:00
U.S. GDP UP 1.2%
Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 1.2 percent in the first quarter of 2017 , according to the "second" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the fourth quarter, real GDP increased 2.1 percent.
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2017, May, 29, 13:20:00
U.S. RIGS UP 7 TO 908
U.S. Rig Count is up 504 rigs from last year's count of 404, with oil rigs up 406, gas rigs up 98, and miscellaneous rigs unchanged. Canadian Rig Count is up 50 rigs from last year's count of 43, with oil rigs up 26, gas rigs up 25, and miscellaneous rigs down 1 to 0.
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2017, May, 22, 16:30:00
U.S. Rig Count is up 497 rigs from last year's count of 404, with oil rigs up 402, gas rigs up 95, and miscellaneous rigs unchanged. Canadian Rig Count is up 41 rigs from last year's count of 44, with oil rigs up 20, gas rigs up 22, and miscellaneous rigs down 1 to 0.
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2017, May, 19, 12:45:00
Total petroleum deliveries in April moved up by 1.7 percent from April 2016 to average 19.6 million barrels per day. These were the highest April deliveries in nine years, since 2008. Compared with March, total domestic petroleum deliveries, a measure of U.S. petroleum demand, decreased 0.3 percent. For year to date, total domestic petroleum deliveries moved up slightly by 0.1 percent compared to the same period last year to average 19.4 million barrels per day.