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2017, June, 20, 14:35:00
По словам главы Минэнерго России, для стабилизации нефтяного рынка необходимо, чтобы запасы упали до среднего уровня за пять лет: «Мы уверены, что это произойдет в течение ближайших кварталов, возможно к концу первого квартала 2018 года. Мы мониторим текущую текущую ситуацию. На данный момент нет необходимости предпринимать какие-то дополнительные действия».
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2017, June, 20, 14:30:00
"In my opinion, market fundamentals are going in the right direction, but in light of the large surplus in stockpiles over the past years, the cut needs time to take effect," he told the newspaper, referring to a global deal to curb oil production.
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2017, June, 20, 14:25:00
Александр Новак отметил, что в поступательное развитие газовой генерации в немалой степени способствует снижению эмиссии парниковых газов: «На сегодняшний день в России почти 85% произведенной электроэнергии приходится на безуглеродные или низкоуглеродные источники, а к 2035 году этот показатель будет уже почти 90%».
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2017, June, 20, 14:20:00
BP and RIL partnered in 2011 when BP acquired 30% interest in multiple oil and gas blocks in India operated by RIL, including the producing Block KGD6. RIL currently operates KGD6 with 60% interest, while BP still holds 30% and Niko Resources Ltd. has the remaining 10%.
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2017, June, 20, 14:15:00
"It is worth taking the risk at $1 billion because it opens a huge market. We are perfectly conscious of some risks. We have taken into account (sanctions) snap-backs, we have to take into account regulation changes," Pouyanne said in an interview.
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2017, June, 20, 14:10:00
“We have been producing oil and gas in Norway for nearly 50 years and we are still not halfway done. Vast volumes of oil and gas have been discovered on the Norwegian shelf that are still waiting to be produced. We want companies with the ability and willingness to utilise new knowledge and advanced technology. This will yield profitable production for many decades in the future,” says Ingrid Sølvberg, Director of development and operations in the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.
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2017, June, 20, 14:05:00
Crude oil production from the seven major US onshore producing regions is forecast to rise 127,000 b/d month-over-month in June to average 5.475 million b/d. Gas production from the seven regions is forecast to gain 684 MMcfd month-over-month in June to 51.685 bcfd.
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2017, June, 20, 14:00:00
U.S. RIGS UP 6 TO 933
U.S. Rig Count is up 509 rigs from last year's count of 424, with oil rigs up 410, gas rigs up 100, and miscellaneous rigs down 1. Canadian Rig Count is up 90 rigs from last year's count of 69, with oil rigs up 63, gas rigs up 28, and miscellaneous rigs down 1 to 0.
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2017, June, 10, 18:30:00
U.S. RIGS UP 11 TO 927
U.S. Rig Count is up 513 rigs from last year's count of 414, with oil rigs up 413, gas rigs up 100, and miscellaneous rigs unchanged. Canadian Rig Count is up 67 rigs from last year's count of 65, with oil rigs up 45 and gas rigs up 22.
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2017, June, 9, 21:15:00
Brent crude oil LCOc1 was up 48 cents at $48.34 a barrel by 12:17 p.m. EDT. U.S. crude CLc1 was 39 cents higher at $46.04 a barrel. U.S. crude and Brent benchmarks remained on track for weekly declines of more than 3 percent, pressured by big U.S. inventories and heavy worldwide flows.