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2017, March, 21, 19:00:00
«В рамках развития экспортной инфраструктуры реализуются проекты «Сила Сибири», «Северный поток», «Турецкий поток», планируется в этом году запустить первую линию проекта «Ямал СПГ», продолжается работа над сокращением времени присоединения к газораспределительным сетям, развитием рынка газомоторного топлива», - сообщил Александр Новак.
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2017, March, 21, 18:55:00
If the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries maintains its output cuts and nothing changes elsewhere, demand should overtake supply in this year’s first half, generating an implied market deficit of 500,000 b/d.
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2017, March, 21, 18:50:00
URALS: $52.25775
Средняя цена на нефть Urals за период мониторинга с 15 февраля по 14 марта 2017 года составила $52,25775 за баррель, или $381,5 за тонну. Согласно расчетам Минфина России экспортная пошлина на нефть в РФ с 1 апреля 2017 года понизится на $2,1 и составит $88,9 за тонну.
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2017, March, 21, 18:45:00
Production from the layer will reach 35,000 barrels per day once its wells are fully operational.
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2017, March, 21, 18:40:00
Preliminary production figures for February 2017 show an average daily production of 2 010 000 barrels of oil, NGL and condensate, which is a decrease of 25 000 barrels per day (approx. 1 percent) compared to January.
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2017, March, 21, 18:35:00
Nabors Industries Ltd. ("Nabors") (NYSE: NBR) reported full-year 2016 operating revenue of $2.2 billion, compared to operating revenue of $3.9 billion in the prior year, which included $366 million in revenue from the Completion and Production Services segment (NCPS), a business line that merged with C&J Energy Services, Inc. (CJES) on March 24, 2015 and ceased to be consolidated with Nabors on that date. Net income from continuing operations for the year was a loss of $1.0 billion, or $3.58 per share, compared to a loss of $330 million, or $1.14 per share, in FY 2015. Included in the net loss from continuing operations for full year 2016 were total after-tax impairments and other charges of $487 million, or $1.71 per share, as well as $0.80 per share in Nabors' proportional share of CJES' net loss for the period. This compares to prior year impairments and other charges of $380 million, or $1.31 per share, and $0.29 per diluted share for the company's proportional share of CJES' net loss.
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2017, March, 21, 18:30:00
U.S. Rig Count is up 313 rigs from last year's count of 476, with oil rigs up 244, gas rigs up 68, and miscellaneous rigs up 1. Canadian Rig Count is up 207 rigs from last year's count of 69, with oil rigs up 137, gas rigs up 68, and miscellaneous rigs up 2.
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2017, March, 21, 17:30:00
NYT - David Rockefeller, the banker and philanthropist with the fabled family name who controlled Chase Manhattan bank for more than a decade and wielded vast influence around the world for even longer as he spread the gospel of American capitalism, died on Monday morning at his home in Pocantico Hills, N.Y. He was 101.
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2017, March, 16, 19:05:00
West Texas Intermediate for April delivery rose as much as 76 cents to $49.62 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange and was at $49.41 at 10:08 a.m. in London. Total volume traded was in line with the 100-day average. Prices climbed $1.14 to close at $48.86 on Wednesday after falling almost 11 percent the previous seven sessions. Brent for May settlement advanced as much as 84 cents, or 1.6 percent, to $52.65 a barrel on the London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange. Prices rose 89 cents to $51.81 on Wednesday. The global benchmark crude was at a premium of $2.48 to May WTI.
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2017, March, 16, 19:00:00
Global oil supply could struggle to keep pace with demand after 2020, risking a sharp increase in prices, unless new projects are approved soon, according to the latest five-year oil market forecast.