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2018, May, 28, 11:40:00
МИНЭНЕРГО - «В целом, все согласны, что нужно этот вопрос очень серьезно обсудить на Министерской встрече, которая состоится в июне в Вене. Там будут предложены различные варианты. Но, скорее всего, это будет плавное сокращение. Наша задача – и не дестабилизировать рынок нефти, и не перегреть его», - сказал Александр Новак
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2018, May, 28, 11:35:00
МИНЭНЕРГО - Глава Минэнерго России отметил, что цена на нефть сегодня близка к 80 долларам, а год назад она была 51,5 долларов. «Год назад мы наблюдали только начало балансировки рынка, сегодня мы вышли на позитивные изменения по сравнению с прошлым годом. Сделка ОПЕК+ показала положительный результат. Цели, которые ставились, достигаются», - сообщил Александр Новак.
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2018, May, 28, 11:30:00
PLATTS - Novak also confirmed that Russia would like to lift production ceilings under the OPEC-led output cut deal in which Russia agreed to gradually cut 300,000 b/d. The deal, in place since January 2017, has 24 OPEC and non-OPEC countries jointly cutting a combined 1.8 million b/d.
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2018, May, 28, 11:25:00
PLATTS - "At end of the day as important as Russia and Saudi Arabia are in terms of the largest countries, we have to be sensitive to views of all countries and will be consulting with all of them," Falih told a key energy session at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum.
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2018, May, 28, 11:20:00
PLATTS - "With Saudi Arabia stressing the need for more capex to meet future oil demand and replace the natural decline from aging fields, and thus presumably a higher price to incentivize investment, supply cuts, in one form or another, may be extended to 2019," the note said.
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2018, May, 28, 11:15:00
PLATTS - China's state-run oil trader Unipec has purchased around 16 million barrels of US crude oil for loading in June, marking the biggest volume ever to be lifted in a month by the company, informed sources said
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2018, May, 28, 11:10:00
GAZPROM - It seems that putting renewables ahead of everything else doesn’t accomplish anything in today’s world. And striving for a total decarbonization of the global economy is downright quixotic. One should understand that fossil fuels will continue to play an essential role in the next 20 years.
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2018, May, 28, 11:05:00
BLOOMBERG - The agreement between Gazprom PJSC and the European Commission gives gas buyers more flexibility in handling imports and greater leverage to push for lower prices. That’s likely to make flows from Russia more attractive than alternatives such as expensive new links to fields at Europe’s southeast corner or tanker shipments of liquefied natural gas.
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2018, May, 28, 11:00:00
U.S. RIGS UP 13 TO 1,059
BAKER HUGHES A GE - U.S. Rig Count is up 13 rigs from last week to 1,059, with oil rigs up 15 to 859, gas rigs down 2 to 198, and miscellaneous rigs unchanged at 2. Canada Rig Count is down 2 rigs from last week to 81, with oil rigs down 3 to 35 and gas rigs up 1 to 46.
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2018, May, 25, 10:55:00
REUTERS - Brent crude futures LCOc1 were at $78.63 per barrel at 0534 GMT, down 16 cents from their last close, and more than 2.2 percent below the $80.50 multi-year high they reached on May 17. Brent broke through $80 for the first time in more than three years earlier in May. U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures were at $70.60 a barrel, down 11 cents from their last settlement.