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2017, July, 28, 09:50:00
Russia's Gazprom will soon be able to bid for up to 12.8 Bcm/year of extra capacity in Germany's 36.5 Bcm/year Opal natural gas pipeline after an EU court lifted a temporary ban late Friday.
Search Results
2017, July, 28, 10:00:00
China's import of US crude oil crossed 1 million mt for the first time in June, an eight-fold rise year on year, as elevated Dubai prices prompted both state and independent refiners to use it as an opportunity to diversify supplies, a trend that could add to the headache of OPEC suppliers.
Search Results
2017, July, 28, 09:55:00
Libya's oil production is 1.069 million b/d, and the country hopes to grow its output to as much as 1.25 million b/d this year, a source close to production said Monday.
Search Results
2017, July, 28, 09:45:00
Royal Dutch Shell Chief Executive Officer Ben van Beurden commented: “Shell’s strong results this quarter show that we are reshaping the company following the integration of BG. Cash generation has been resilient over four consecutive quarters, at an average oil price of just under $50 per barrel. This quarter, we generated robust earnings excluding identified items of $3.6 billion, while over the past 12 months cash flow from operations of $38 billion has covered our cash dividend and reduced gearing to 25%.
Search Results
2017, July, 28, 09:40:00
“Our solid financial results and strong cash flow are driven by good operational performance with high production efficiency and continued cost improvements. At oil prices around 50 dollars per barrel, we have generated 4 billion dollars in free cash flow, and reduced our net debt ratio by 8.1 percentage points since the start of the year. We expect to deliver around 5% production growth this year, and at the same time realise an additional one billion dollars in efficiencies,” says Eldar Sætre, President and CEO of Statoil ASA.
Search Results
2017, July, 28, 09:35:00
"In a price environment that remains volatile, Total again delivered an excellent set of quarterly results with adjusted net income of $2.5 billion, a 14% increase compared to a year ago, and operating cash flow before working capital changes of $5.3 billion, a 33% increase, while Brent only increased by 9%. In the first half of the year, the Group generated more than $3.1 billion of cash flow after investments, excluding acquisitions and divestments.
Search Results
2017, July, 28, 09:30:00
In view of realized and expected labor market conditions and inflation, the Committee decided to maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 1 to 1-1/4 percent. The stance of monetary policy remains accommodative, thereby supporting some further strengthening in labor market conditions and a sustained return to 2 percent inflation.
Search Results
2017, July, 28, 10:05:00
Brent crude futures were down 8 cents, or 0.2 percent, at $51.41 per barrel at 0651 GMT. U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures were down 10 cents, or 0.2 percent, at $48.94 per barrel.
Search Results
2017, July, 31, 14:05:00
National Oilwell Varco, Inc. (NYSE: NOV) reported a second quarter 2017 net loss of $75 million, or $0.20 per share. Excluding other items, net loss for the quarter was $54 million, or $0.14 per share. Other items totaled $30 million, pretax, and primarily consisted of charges related to severance and facility closures.
Search Results
2017, July, 31, 14:00:00
U.S. RIGS UP 8 TO 958
U.S. Rig Count is up 495 rigs from last year's count of 463, with oil rigs up 392, gas rigs up 106, and miscellaneous rigs down 3 to 0. Canadian Rig Count is up 101 rigs from last year's count of 119, with oil rigs up 69, gas rigs up 33, and miscellaneous rigs down 1 to 0.
Search Results
2017, July, 31, 14:25:00
U.S. GDP UP 2.6%
Real gross domestic product increased at an annual rate of 2.6 percent in the second quarter of 2017 (table 1), according to the "advance" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the first quarter, real GDP increased 1.2 percent (revised).
Search Results
2017, July, 31, 14:35:00
«Ранее мы видели, что на 1 триллион долларов сократились инвестиции в период с 2014-го по 2016 годы включительно, в 2017 году этот тренд пошел уже на увеличение инвестиций в нефтяном секторе. Мы видим также, что снизилась волатильность на рынке, и можно сказать о том, что цена в первом полугодии 2017 года нефти марки Brent была на 30% выше первого полугодия 2016 года. И это стало существенным фактором, который способствовал, в том числе и росту доходов бюджета, улучшению торгового баланса экономики», - рассказал глава российского Минэнерго.
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2017, July, 31, 14:20:00
Суд обязал Украину выплатить Российской Федерации номинальную стоимость облигаций в сумме 3 млрд. долл. США, в 2013 году приобретенных за счет средств ФНБ, сумму неосуществлённого купонного платежа в размере 75 млн. долл. США и штрафные проценты, начисляемые на эти суммы. Проценты на сумму основного долга по облигациям подлежат оплате по ставке 8% годовых, проценты на сумму невыплаченного купона – по ставке «3-месячный ЛИБОР в долларах США плюс 2 процента годовых». Выплаты штрафных процентов рассчитываются с 21 декабря 2015 г. и производятся по дату полного исполнения обязательств. Таким образом, каждый день просрочки будет стоить государственному бюджету Украины (украинским налогоплательщикам) более 673 тыс. долл. США.
Search Results
2017, July, 31, 14:30:00
Минэкономразвития России скорректировало оценку темпа роста ВВП за май до 3,5% г/г. В июне 2017 года рост ВВП, по оценке, составил 2,9% г/г, темп роста ВВП во 2 кв. 2017 г. оценивается в 2,7% г/г.
Search Results
2017, July, 31, 14:40:00
U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) futures briefly jumped over $50 per barrel on Monday and were at $49.97 per barrel at 0654 GMT, still up 25 cents, or 0.5 percent from their last close. That means that virtually the entire WTI curve has moved over $50 per barrel. Brent crude futures were at $52.85 per barrel, up 33 cents or 0.6 percent. Prices hit $52.90 per barrel earlier in the day, their highest since May 25.
Search Results
2017, July, 31, 14:15:00
Exxon Mobil Corporation announced estimated second quarter 2017 earnings of $3.4 billion, or $0.78 per diluted share, compared with $1.7 billion a year earlier, as oil and gas realizations increased and refining margins improved.
Search Results
2017, July, 31, 14:10:00
Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX) reported earnings of $1.5 billion ($0.77 per share – diluted) for second quarter 2017, compared with a loss of $1.5 billion ($0.78 per share – diluted) in the second quarter of 2016. Included in the quarter were impairments and other non-cash charges totaling $430 million, partially offset by gains on asset sales of $160 million. Foreign currency effects increased earnings in the 2017 second quarter by $3 million, compared with an increase of $279 million a year earlier.
Search Results
2017, August, 3, 12:20:00
India's LPG imports are expected to rebound from July onwards and is on track for a 10% annual increase in the current fiscal 2017-2018 (April-March), after plunging to the lowest in two years in June, trade sources from four oil and gas companies in India said recently.
Search Results
2017, August, 3, 12:05:00
“We continue to position BP for the new oil price environment, with a continued tight focus on costs, efficiency and discipline in capital spending. We delivered strong operational performance in the first half of 2017 and have considerable strategic momentum coming into the rest of the year and 2018, with rising production from our new Upstream projects and marketing growth in the Downstream.”
Search Results
2017, August, 3, 12:35:00
“It represents the will of the American people to see Russia take steps to improve relations with the United States. We hope there will be cooperation between our two countries on major global issues so that these sanctions will no longer be necessary.”