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2017, November, 29, 10:00:00
BLOOMBERG - Implied volatility, a gauge of expected price moves, dropped to about 22 percent on Friday for New York-traded crude. That was the lowest level since early March and close to a three-year low. Other gauges of turbulence have also traded at multi-year lows since the start of October, despite the escalating tensions and meetings this week in Vienna, where OPEC and allied oil-producer states will discuss the extension of supply curbs that propped up the market.
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2017, November, 29, 09:55:00
PLATTS - Asia LNG spot prices surged to a near three-year high Monday as surging Chinese demand and robust oil prices coincided with persistent supply anxieties.
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2017, November, 29, 09:50:00
SHELL - “Our next steps as we re-shape Shell into a world-class investment aim to ensure that our company can continue to thrive, not just in the short and medium term but for many decades to come,” said van Beurden. “These steps build on the foundations of Shell’s strong operational and financial performance, and my confidence in our strategy and our ability to deliver on the promises we make.”
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2017, November, 29, 09:45:00
ADNOC - The SPC approved ADNOC’s plans for capital expenditure of over AED 400 billion, over the next five years, as it embarks on its Upstream and Downstream expansion and growth projects. The SPC also approved ADNOC’s plans to explore and appraise Abu Dhabi’s unconventional gas resources, as the company seeks to enable future value creation from its untapped gas resources. And, the SPC gave the green light to ADNOC to pursue international downstream investments that will position ADNOC as a global player in the downstream market.
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2017, November, 29, 09:40:00
OGJ - Phase II production from Weizhou 12-2 oil field has been brought on stream, CNOOC Ltd. said of its project in Beibu Gulf in the South China Sea.
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2017, November, 29, 09:35:00
OGJ - Total SA announced Nov. 27 that the Petroleo Brasileiro SA (Petrobras)-led Libra consortium has brought production on stream in ultradeep waters 180 km offshore Rio de Janeiro in Brazil’s presalt Santos basin.
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2017, November, 29, 09:30:00
PLATTS - A bullish weather forecast for much of the US provided a boost for gas futures coming out of the four-day Thanksgiving holiday, with NYMEX December settling Monday at $2.928/MMBtu, up 11.5 cents from Friday's close.
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2017, November, 27, 20:20:00
BLOOMBERG - West Texas Intermediate for January delivery was at $58.51 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange, down 44 cents, at 10:22 a.m. London time. Total volume traded was about 24 percent above the 100-day average. Prices gained 93 cents to $58.95 on Friday, capping a 4.2 percent weekly advance. Brent for January settlement fell 21 cents to $63.65 a barrel on the London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange, after rising 1.8 percent last week. The global benchmark crude traded at a premium of $5.11 to WTI.
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2017, November, 27, 20:15:00
МИНЭНЕРГО РОССИИ - «Мы видим, что с рынка ушло примерно 50% излишком запасов нефти, мы видим, что цена сбалансировалась и вышла на достаточно приемлемый уровень в районе 60 и выше долларов за баррель марки Brent, инвестиции начали уже в 17-м году расти, а до этого они 15-16-й год падали. Тем не менее, мы не достигли еще до конца цели по балансировке рынка, и сегодня практически все выступают за то, что необходимо продлить сделку дополнительно для того, чтобы достичь окончательных целей. В принципе, Россия тоже поддерживает такие предложения, рассматриваются разные варианты».
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2017, November, 27, 20:10:00
МИНЭНЕРГО РОССИИ - «Совместно мы занимаем более 60% рынка газа. Наши общие запасы по последним оценкам составляют 70% от общемировых. По прогнозам к 2040 году глобальные потребности в газе увеличатся на почти на 60%, и данный показатель может быть еще пересмотрен в большую сторону, основываясь на глобальной климатической повестке».