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All publications by tag «usa»

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2018, August, 6, 12:40:00
U.S. RIGS DOWN 4 TO 1,044
BAKER HUGHES A GE - U.S. Rig Count is down 4 rigs from last week to 1,044, with oil rigs down 2 to 859, gas rigs down 3 to 183, and miscellaneous rigs up 1 to 2. Canada Rig Count is unchanged from last week at 223 rigs, with oil rigs down 2 to 152 and gas rigs up 2 to 71.
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2018, August, 3, 10:00:00
REUTERS - The bill includes restrictions on new Russian sovereign debt transactions, energy and oil projects and Russian uranium imports, and new sanctions on Russian political figures and oligarchs.
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2018, August, 3, 09:25:00
U.S. FRB - In view of realized and expected labor market conditions and inflation, the Committee decided to maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 1-3/4 to 2 percent. The stance of monetary policy remains accommodative, thereby supporting strong labor market conditions and a sustained return to 2 percent inflation.
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2018, August, 1, 09:30:00
U.S. EIA - U.S. energy expenditures declined for the fifth consecutive year, reaching $1.0 trillion in 2016, a 9% decrease in real terms from 2015. Adjusted for inflation, total energy expenditures in 2016 were the lowest since 2003. Expressed as a percent of gross domestic product (GDP), total energy expenditures were 5.6% in 2016, the lowest since at least 1970.
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2018, August, 1, 09:20:00
U.S. INVESTMENT UP $427.3 BLN/ $260.4 BLN
U.S. BEA - The U.S. direct investment abroad position, or cumulative level of investment, increased $427.3 billion to $6,013.3 billion at the end of 2017 from $5,586.0 billion at the end of 2016, the foreign direct investment in the United States position increased $260.4 billion to $4,025.5 billion at the end of 2017 from $3,765.1 billion at the end of 2016.
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2018, July, 30, 13:45:00
NYT - Demand for natural gas — a cleaner-burning fossil fuel than coal or oil — is rising worldwide, and the United States is a growing supplier of liquefied natural gas, or L.N.G. The European Union, meanwhile, wants to diversify its energy supply, which remains somewhat dependent on Russia, with which it has a difficult relationship.
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2018, July, 30, 13:40:00
REUTERS - The new supply could enlarge Brazil’s market share in China as buyers there cut oil imports from the United States following Beijing’s announcement it would impose tariffs on U.S. crude in retaliation against similar moves by Washington.
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2018, July, 30, 13:35:00
U.S. GDP UP 4.1%
U.S. BEA - Real gross domestic product increased at an annual rate of 4.1 percent in the second quarter of 2018 , according to the "advance" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the first quarter, real GDP increased 2.2 percent.
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2018, July, 30, 13:10:00
U.S. RIGS UP 2 TO 1,048
BAKER HUGHES A GE - U.S. Rig Count is up 2 rigs from last week to 1,048, with oil up 3 to 861, gas rigs down 1 to 186, and miscellaneous rigs unchanged at 1. Canada Rig Count is up 12 rigs from last week to 223, with oil rigs up 12 to 154 and gas rigs unchanged at 69.
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2018, July, 27, 12:50:00
EIA - Capital expenditures for these 46 companies totaled almost $19 billion in the first quarter of 2018, a year-over-year increase of nearly $2 billion (10%). Most of these companies have announced that they expect to increase full-year 2018 capital expenditures from 2017 levels.