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All publications by tag «RICES»

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2015, June, 12, 20:55:00
The expected decrease in shale oil production this summer is causing oil prices to rise. According to the Drilling Productivity report released June 8 by the Energy Information Administration, the government is calling for a 91,000 less barrels per day of shale oil in July. Oil prices seemingly rebounded after the data was released. This news comes on the heels of a decline in oil prices on June 8 due to the Chinese oil crisis concerning oversupply and less demand.
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2015, June, 11, 19:00:00
The most significant development on the supply side in 2014 was undoubtedly the continuing revolution in US shale. The US recorded the largest increase in oil production in the world, becoming the first country ever to increase average annual production by at least 1 million barrels per day for three consecutive years.
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2015, June, 10, 19:30:00
OIL PRICES: $61 - $67
EIA forecasts Brent crude oil prices will average $61/b in 2015 and $67/b in 2016.
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2015, June, 10, 19:20:00
The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers on Tuesday said it expects Canadian crude output—mostly from Alberta’s oil sands—to reach 4.96 million barrels a day by 2025. That forecast is less than the previous estimate of 5.6 million barrels a day and the 6.0 million barrels a day it had forecast back in 2013.
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2015, June, 10, 19:15:00
The collapse in crude prices will pinch Canada’s long-term oil output growth by more than a million barrels a day, highlighting the lasting impact of energy companies’ capital spending cuts, said an industry group in the world’s fifth-largest producer.
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2015, June, 7, 19:25:00
Oil & gas output from ultra-deepwater (>1,000m water depth) fields will continue the relentless growth seen in recent years. In the latest World Drilling & Production Forecast, Douglas-Westwood predict combined oil & gas production from such fields will grow 7.7% year-on-year over 2015-2021 from 6.5 mboe/d to 10.2 mboe/d.
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2015, June, 4, 19:00:00
GAS MARKET 2015 - 2020
Falling oil prices have resulted in much lower gas prices in many parts of the word. As a result, gas demand is enjoying the tailwind of substantial price drops while the upstream sector is suffering amid large capital expenditure cuts.
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2015, June, 4, 18:15:00
Exxon is the world’s largest listed energy group, and like all big international oil companies it is facing structural challenges that make it difficult for it to grow. Stability while throwing off a lot of cash may be the best they can do.
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2015, June, 4, 18:05:00
OPEC oil ministers expressed optimism about their strategy of pumping more crude oil and fighting for market share, amid expectations they will stick to their production target when they meet at the end of the week.
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2015, June, 1, 18:55:00
U.S. shale oil producers, having weathered the worst price plunge in their industry's brief history, now face a dilemma: whether to stay in a defensive crouch after slashing their rig fleets, or start drilling more wells to capture a partial recovery in prices.