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2016, September, 7, 18:50:00
Был подписан Меморандум о взаимопонимании между ПАО «Газпром» и Нефтегазовой холдинговой компанией Королевства Бахрейн «НОГА Холдинг» по расширению сотрудничества в области сжиженного природного газа.
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2016, September, 7, 18:45:00
The government is reviewing thousands of projects valued at about 260 billion riyals ($69 billion) and may cancel a third of them, three people said, asking not to be identified as the discussions are private. The measures would impact the budget for several years, according to two of the people.
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2016, September, 7, 18:40:00
“Regarding IMF resources, I am heartened that the G20 leaders supported maintaining access to bilateral and multilateral borrowing arrangements, in line with the objective of preserving the IMF’s current lending capacity. I especially appreciated the G20's call for broad participation of the IMF membership in this effort, including through new agreements. And I am pleased that some countries have already indicated their willingness to make commitments. This should help provide confidence that the IMF will continue to have the capacity to address the needs of its membership.
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2016, September, 7, 18:35:00
"Supply and demand are near balance, but the balance is precarious," Andy Milnes, CEO, Integrated Supply & Trading (Eastern Hemisphere), BP, told delegates.
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2016, September, 7, 18:30:00
Enbridge Inc. and Spectra Energy Corp. have entered into a definitive merger agreement under which the two companies will combine in a stock-for-stock merger transaction. The combination will create the largest energy infrastructure company in North America and one of the largest globally, the companies said, based on a pro-forma enterprise value of roughly $127 billion.
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2016, September, 6, 18:50:00
На протяжении порядка двух лет мы наблюдаем достаточно низкие цены на нефть, что сопряжено с большими рисками в будущем, главным образом потому, что ежегодно инвестиции в отрасль сокращаются на 200-250 млрд долларов. Буквально недавно была опубликована статистика о том, что прирост запасов по результатам геологоразведочных работ был наименьшим за последние 70 лет. Это говорит о том, что в перспективе могут быть риски дефицита энергоресурсов – поэтому странам необходимо координировать свои действия, чтобы как можно быстрее сбалансировать рынки.
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2016, September, 6, 18:45:00
Saudi Arabia hopes to work with Russia for stability in oil markets, Prince Mohammed bin Salman said Sunday in a meeting with the Russian president in Hangzhou, China. World leaders are gathering in China this week for a summit of Group of 20 nations. Russia and Saudi Arabia will meet with other producers in Algeria this month to discuss oil markets.
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2016, September, 6, 18:40:00
Light, sweet crude for October delivery rose 84 cents, or 1.9%, to $45.28 a barrel in the Globex electronic session. November Brent crude added six cents, or 0.1%, to $47.69 a barrel.
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2016, September, 6, 18:35:00
URALS: $39,36
Средняя цена нефти марки Urals по итогам января-августа 2016 года составила $39,36 за баррель.
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2016, September, 6, 18:30:00
The UK’s natural gas imports from Norway are forecast to increase up to 15% year on year this winter. In the months from October to March, the UK will likely import between 60-136 mcm per day of gas from Norway. At the high end of this range, imports would be up 18 mcm per day in the same period a year earlier. Imports of Dutch and Belgian gas are also projected to increase amid predictions that flows from the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) may fall by 4% this year to as low as 70 mcm per day.