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2018, April, 27, 11:15:00
МИНЭНЕРГО РОССИИ - Александр Новак, говоря о перспективах соглашения о балансировке рынка, отметил, что участники рассматривают несколько вариантов дальнейшего сотрудничества. «Главная задача – не создать условия для дисбаланса на рынке», - заключил Министр.
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2018, April, 27, 11:13:00
WBG: OIL PRICES - 2018: $65
WBG - Oil prices are forecast to average $65 a barrel over 2018, up from an average of $53 a barrel in 2017, on strong demand from consumers and restraint by oil producers, while metals prices are expected to rise 9 percent this year, also on a pickup in demand and supply constraints, the World Bank said.
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2018, April, 27, 11:10:00
GAZPROM - Total sales (net of excise tax, VAT and customs duties) increased by RUB 435,092 million, or 7 %, to RUB 6,546,143 million for the year ended December 31, 2017 compared to the year ended December 31, 2016. The increase in sales was mainly driven by an increase in sales of refined products and crude oil.
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2018, April, 27, 11:05:00
GAZPROM - According to estimates, Russian gas exports to Austria between January 1 and April 24 exceeded the amount exported in the same period of last year by 79.2 per cent, with 4.2 billion cubic meters of gas delivered to consumers.
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2018, April, 27, 11:00:00
МИНЭНЕРГО РОССИИ - «Россия и Китай имеют большой потенциал снижения энергоемкости экономики и проводят последовательную политику в этом направлении. Сотрудничество по вопросам развития энергоэффективных технологий и обмена опытом в сфере госполитики будет, безусловно, способствовать повышения энергоэффективности в наших странах», - отметил в своем выступлении сопредседатель Рабочей группы с российской стороны Антон Инюцын.
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2018, April, 27, 10:50:00
EIA - As Asia-Pacific oil demand continues to grow, some market participants believe the region needs an oil price benchmark based on local supply and demand conditions. Last month marked the beginning of trading for the new Shanghai crude oil futures contract in China. For the Shanghai contract to become an accepted regional benchmark, it will have to attract a wide variety of market participants, and its usage for price discovery must be established.
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2018, April, 27, 10:45:00
AOG - Bahrain, recently announced that it had unearthed around 80 billion barrels of unconventional oil and up to 20 trillion cubic feet of tight gas off its west coast. The discovery could potentially transform the island state’s reserves which currently total well under 200 million barrels.
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2018, April, 27, 10:40:00
PLATTS - Japan's LNG imports slipped 2.6% year on year to 7.9 million mt in March with imports from Papua New Guinea dropping, Ministry of Finance data released Thursday showed. PNG LNG had shut its plant after a massive earthquake hit the region on February 26. Japan's imports from PNG fell 65.7% from a year ago to 145,580 mt, or about two cargoes, in March.
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2018, April, 27, 10:35:00
SHELL - Compared with the first quarter 2017, CCS earnings attributable to shareholders excluding identified items increased by $1.6 billion, mainly driven by higher contributions from Integrated Gas and Upstream, partly offset by lower earnings in Downstream. Cash flow from operating activities for the first quarter 2018 was $9.4 billion, which included negative working capital movements of $0.9 billion, compared with $9.5 billion in the first quarter 2017, which included negative working capital movements of $1.6 billion. Total dividends distributed to shareholders in the quarter were $4.0 billion.
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2018, April, 27, 10:30:00
NOV - National Oilwell Varco, Inc. (NYSE: NOV) today reported a first quarter 2018 net loss of $68 million, or $0.18 per share. Revenues for the first quarter were $1.80 billion, a decrease of nine percent compared to the fourth quarter of 2017 and an increase of three percent from the first quarter of 2017. Operating loss for the first quarter of 2018 was $1 million, or 0.1 percent of sales, and Adjusted EBITDA (operating profit excluding depreciation, amortization, and other items) was $160 million, or 8.9 percent of sales. Other items were a net credit of $12 million, pre-tax, primarily from the reversal of certain accruals, partially offset by restructure charges and severance payments.