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All publications by tag «RUSSIA»

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2016, April, 17, 19:00:00
Some 18 OPEC and non-OPEC countries, including Russia, had been meant to meet on Sunday morning in the Qatari capital of Doha and rubber-stamp a deal - in the making since February - to freeze output at January levels until October 2016.
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2016, April, 15, 21:35:00
"Everybody is trying to get a big stake in India--it is the biggest growing market in Asia," said Amrita Sen, chief oil analyst at London-based consultancy Energy Aspects.
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2016, April, 15, 21:30:00
“We remain committed to our strategic investment in Rosneft,” Scott Dean, a company spokesman, said by e-mail, adding that BP complies with all relevant European and U.S. sanctions. “In the low oil-price environment, Rosneft continues to deliver solid operational and financial performance, demonstrating the resilience of its business model.”
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2016, April, 12, 20:40:00
В нефтяной отрасли, в прошлом году отмечался прирост добычи нефти и газового конденсата (+1,4 % по сравнению с 2014 г.), был установлен новый национальный рекорд по добыче – 534,1 млн тонн. Благодаря задействованным механизмам льготирования, выросла добыча в Восточной Сибири и на Дальнем Востоке – на 7,8% до 63,5 млн тонн, на континентальном шельфе – на 17,3% до 19 млн тонн, на месторождениях с трудноизвлекаемыми запасами – на 1,2% до 33 млн тонн.
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2016, April, 10, 14:00:00
Lissik responded that on the contrary, Nord Stream 2 did not enter the EU internal market, and that Russia was not banned from trading with the EU. Economic exchange with Russia was continuing, and it is unfair to project political views and to focus on conflict when discussing Nord Stream 2. “We are trying to depoliticise the project. Its only target is to have a business case,” he said. “This is not the Kremlin.”
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2016, April, 8, 21:25:00
"The level of $45-50 (per barrel) is acceptable from the point of view of market balance: if prices go higher shale oil production could start to recover."
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2016, April, 8, 21:00:00
«Повышение энергоэффективности в городах и их устойчивое развитие являются важными направлениями энергополитики. В этом году эти вопросы станут одной из ключевых тем Международного форума по энергоэффективности и развитию энергетики ENES 2016, который пройдет в Москве 23-25 ноября», - отметил Дмитрий Зубов.
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2016, April, 5, 18:45:00
Gas shall play a more important role, with more shares in the total Chinese primary energy mix. And, the Chinese natural gas market is at a turning point, as indicated by many experts at Gastech 2015’s conference. The Chinese gas industry is facing many challenges also because of gas demand contraction due to the new normal Chinese economy. In the previous 10-15 years, we had double digit gas demand growth, but in 2014-2015 it was only single digits. Last year it was only 8.6%. This year, in the last 3 quarters, the growth was only 2.7%.
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2016, April, 5, 18:40:00
Обсуждая вопросы текущей деятельности компании в России, участники встречи отметили позитивное сотрудничество во всех сферах, в том числе в нефтегазовой отрасли. "Северный поток-2, являясь коммерческим проектом, направлен на повышение надежности энергоснабжения Европы и обеспечение дополнительных поставок газа.
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2016, April, 5, 18:35:00
The prospect of Sino-Russian gas cooperation could be very broad and more importantly decades of negotiation, joint projects and interactions have laid the foundation for future cooperation.