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All publications by tag «OIL»

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2017, May, 2, 16:25:00
Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest crude exporter, cut pricing for June oil exports to Asia as it fights to defend sales in its biggest regional market. The kingdom raised pricing to all other regions.
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2017, May, 2, 16:20:00
IEA - This sharp slowdown in activity in the conventional oil sector was the result of reduced investment spending driven by low oil prices. It brings an additional cause of concern for global energy security at a time of heightened geopolitical risks in some major producer countries.
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2017, May, 2, 16:15:00
The world’s largest energy consumer increased imports from Russia by about 9.3 percent to 4.69 million metric tons in March from February, according to data released Tuesday by the General Administration of Customs. That’s also up 0.9 percent from a year earlier. Saudi Arabia, the biggest crude exporter, retreated to the third-biggest seller last month from No. 1 a month earlier as shipments fell 4.6 percent to 4.55 million tons.
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2017, May, 2, 16:10:00
The US tally of active drilling rigs increased by 13 to 870 during the week ended Apr. 28, marking the 12th double-digit rise during 15 straight weeks of gains. The count is now up 466 units since the nadir of the drilling downturn on May 20-27, 2016, and at its highest point since Aug. 28, 2015. Since its last decline, the count is up 211 units.
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2017, May, 1, 12:40:00
NYMEX crude for June delivery CLc1 was down 12 cents at $49.21 a barrel by 0619 GMT. London Brent crude for new front-month delivery in July LCOc1 was down 15 cents at $51.90.
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2017, May, 1, 12:05:00
The Petroleum Services Association of Canada (PSAC), in its second update to the 2017 Canadian Drilling Activity Forecast, announced its revision of the forecasted number of wells drilled (rig released) across Canada for 2017 to 6,680 wells. This represents an increase of 2,505 wells and a 60 per cent increase from PSAC’s original 2017 Drilling Activity Forecast released in early November 2016 of 4,175 wells rig released. PSAC based its updated 2017 forecast on average natural gas prices of $3.00 CDN/mcf (AECO), crude oil prices of US$52.50/barrel (WTI) and the Canada-US exchange rate averaging $0.74.
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2017, May, 1, 00:00:00
U.S. Rig Count is up 450 rigs from last year's count of 420, with oil rigs up 365, gas rigs up 84, and miscellaneous rigs up 1. Canadian Rig Count is up 48 rigs from last year's count of 37, with oil rigs up 14, gas rigs up 35, and miscellaneous rigs down 1.
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2017, April, 27, 19:05:00
U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil futures were trading at $49.37 per barrel at 0644 GMT, down 25 cents, or 0.5 percent from their last close. WTI has lost around 8.5 percent in value from its April peak. Brent crude futures, the international benchmark for oil prices, were at $51.63 per barrel, down 19 cents, or 0.37 percent. Brent is almost 9 percent below its April peak.
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2017, April, 27, 18:50:00
The World Bank is holding steady its crude oil price forecast for this year at $55 per barrel, increasing to an average of $60 per barrel in 2018. Rising oil prices, supported by production cutbacks by Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and non-OPEC states, will allow markets to gradually rebalance. These oil price forecasts are subject to downside risks should the rebound in the U.S. shale oil industry be greater than expected.
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2017, April, 27, 18:45:00
“If OPEC and the coalition don’t extend the agreement to continue cuts, that price floor will go,” he said. “Without it, prices would fall, and there’s nothing to stop oil going below $40 a barrel.”