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2015, November, 5, 19:55:00
“There are a lot of gas projects under development in the world, and that will drive demand for more ships,” Kim said Oct. 28. “Growing environmental concerns also are pushing demand for more gas-powered power plants, which means there will be more demand for gas.”
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2015, November, 5, 19:50:00
Referring to the Nord Stream projects I & II, former Deputy Prime Minister of Poland Janusz Steinhoff said: “From the point of view of domestic diversification and policy, these projects are extremely irrational, because these are examples of bypassing various regulations to liberalize the gas markets which are in place in the European Union. In other words, Nord Stream I & II are not subject to regulation that gas pipelines running through the EU are, and this is an evident example of an irrational approach and a lack of solidarity in Europe.”
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2015, November, 5, 19:45:00
Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Total SA and BP Plc will retain $8 billion a year in cash by giving investors the option of receiving payouts in shares instead, according to Jean-Pierre Dmirdjian, an analyst at Liberum Capital Ltd. That’s equivalent to about 8.5 percent of total cash and equivalents currently on their books, making the so-called scrip dividend a vital tool as companies curb spending to ride out the slump in oil prices.
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2015, November, 5, 19:40:00
Turkey said in February it struck a deal giving it a 10.25 percent price discount on gas from Russia's Gazprom but that accord was not signed and state pipeline operator Botas said last week it had appealed to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) after months of fruitless talks. "An agreement was clinched on the 10.25 percent, therefore we are taking that as our base level, but will seek a higher discount at international arbitration," Alaboyun said in an interview.
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2015, November, 5, 19:35:00
Advanced biofuel made from agricultural waste — the so called Holy Grail of the alternative energy industry — will not be competitive with conventional fuel until the oil is back to $70-$80 per barrel, DuPont has said.
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2015, November, 5, 19:30:00
Fossil fuels provide more than 80 percent of the energy Americans use every day, according to the Energy Information Administration. The government’s own estimates show that we will need oil and natural gas for decades to come and it’s a critical part of an all-of-the-above energy strategy that makes our country strong.
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2015, November, 5, 19:25:00
Torres-Barron noted that gas demand in Mexico “has increased significantly in the last decade and it keeps growing at almost a 4% yearly rate,” which will result in transportation infrastructure being expanded in length by 84%.
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2015, November, 5, 19:20:00
It plans to sell $20 billion of asset in the two years to the end of 2015 and reiterated a plan to dispose off $30 billion from 2016 to 2018, following the acquisition of BG Group.
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2015, November, 5, 19:15:00
Shell agreed to buy British rival BG Group for 47 billion pounds ($69.7 billion) in April, in a deal widely seen as an effort by the energy company to adapt to lower prices. The deal will boost Shell's oil and gas reserves by 25 percent and give it a bigger presence in the fast-growing liquefied natural gas market.
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2015, November, 5, 19:10:00
Brazil’s largest oil workers union, known as FUP, joined several smaller striking unions on Sunday to protest Petrobras’ plans to sell up to $15.1 billion worth of assets and slash its 2016 budget down to $19 billion, a 30 percent reduction.